Army veterans return to Standing Rock to fight pipeline and form human shield against police

Jake Pogue, a 32-year-old marine corps vet, returned to the Sacred Stone camp on Friday [Image: Sam Levin for the Guardian].
US veterans are returning to Standing Rock and pledging to shield indigenous activists from attacks by a militarized police force, another sign that the fight against the Dakota Access pipeline is far from over.
Army veterans from across the country have arrived in Cannon Ball, North Dakota, or are currently en route after the news that Donald Trump’s administration has allowed the oil corporation to finish drilling across the Missouri river.
The growing group of military veterans could make it harder for police and government officials to try to remove hundreds of activists who remain camped near the construction site and, some hope, could limit use of excessive force by law enforcement during demonstrations.
Source: Army veterans return to Standing Rock to form a human shield against police | US news | The Guardian
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Spectacular bravery: lining up to be beaten!
This has the potential to start a civil war in the USA. How many armed groups will take sides?