Tories lie about so many things – why should we believe them about Jeremy Corbyn?

Last Updated: April 29, 2017By

It’s a nonsense – isn’t it? – that, considering the Tories’ long record of dishonesty, we should believe them when they attack Jeremy Corbyn.

The Canary put it very well in a recent article – complete with video evidence:

Theresa May said she wouldn’t call a snap general election. But then she changed her mind.

David Cameron promised his government would not cut Child Tax Credits if elected in 2015. But once back in Downing Street, he changed his mind and cut them anyway.

Theresa May promised that, before she triggered Article 50 to leave the EU, she would agree a UK-wide approach with Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Instead, she triggered it without consultation. The first SNP MPs heard of the Prime Minister’s decision was when it was reported on BBC News.

The Conservatives came to power on the promise of reducing Britain’s debt and deficit. Instead, they have borrowed more than all previous Labour governments combined.

During the 2015 election campaign, the Tories promised not to increase National Insurance contributions. But in the first major budget of the May regime, Chancellor Philip Hammond announced an increase in NI contributions. They were later forced to U-turn, leaving a gap in their budget, after mass outcry.

Source: Here is every key promise the Conservative Party has broken since the last general election [VIDEO]

But there’s more:

The Conservatives lied to the police about the accuracy of their election spending claims – and that’s not including the possible election expenses fraud prosecutions, on which we’re still awaiting progress.

The Conservatives tried to deny evidence that their policies are causing people to die at a younger age.

The Conservatives lied about making a ‘sweetheart’ deal with Tory-held Surrey County Council to keep council tax down, while forcing Labour-held councils to make heinously difficult spending decisions with the limited funding granted to them.

The Conservatives lied in the Stoke-on-Trent Central by-election, claiming the town’s two other Labour MPs had voted against Brexit (which the electorate there had supported).

Tory lies fuelled a 213 per cent increase in disability hate crime between 2010 and 2015.

The Conservatives continually lie that they are helping people with long-term illnesses and disabilities in fact their ‘work capability assessment’ drives those people towards death.

The Conservatives lied about the failure of a Trident missile test, so Parliament would vote to spend more than £200 billion renewing the nuclear weapons system – a system that doesn’t work.

The Conservatives lied when they said they could be trusted with the economy.

The Conservatives habitually lie about giving more money to the National Health Service. In fact, they have taken money away.

The Conservatives regularly lied to the BBC, in order to make the broadcaster persuade the public that “various fiascos were triumphs”.

And that’s only going back as far as March this year!

Yet we are being asked to believe they can bring “strong and stable” leadership to the UK.

We are being asked to believe they can negotiate a departure from the European Union that will benefit us all (this is impossible).

And we are being asked to believe that we should not choose Jeremy Corbyn’s Labour Party instead, on the premise that he is weak, that his policies are practically Communist, and that he will “bankrupt” the UK (this is also impossible, as economists know well).

Let’s examine just one of these claims – that Mr Corbyn is weak.

When an Opposition leader forces a government to cancel policies, we don’t say he is weak; we say he is strong – and Mr Corbyn has forced Tory reversals on many of them.

Here are just 30:

Theresa May and her Conservatives are weak, and they are liars. Your vote should go to Labour – it’s the only sensible choice.

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  1. NMac April 29, 2017 at 11:30 am - Reply

    Lies, more lies, corruption and even blatant election fraud, yet still working class people vote for these nasty destructive Tories. I really cannot understand why.

    • Tony Dean April 30, 2017 at 7:57 am - Reply

      Why is because of the sins of omission by the press and media.

  2. John April 29, 2017 at 12:06 pm - Reply

    Que comments from Tory supporters, who love reading the Sun!

  3. Dez April 29, 2017 at 2:42 pm - Reply

    How much vote catching good stuff will she promise on behalf of the Cons when she has pinched the best of all the manifestos in front of her. No wonder her
    manifesto has to be right no matter how many lies she makes up for the population. Hopefully not so gullible voters this time to entrust this awful hopeless Cons of hooray henries. One cannot even entrust them to put together a robust Brexit as they are totally clueless and without any common sense or commercial knowledge.They are professional politions who do not know what life is about apart from debating and listening to the wrong people and pure greed for themselves and their benefactors. They have to go.

  4. Barry Davies April 29, 2017 at 3:18 pm - Reply

    Well if we don’t accept that that sometimes reality supersedes intent then we can safely say why believe any politician manager/owner or the bloke next door who said he would lend you his edge strimmer.

    • Mike Sivier April 29, 2017 at 4:42 pm - Reply

      Sure, but this discussion is about Tories.
      The intent, on their part, is to lie in order to get power.

  5. PJB April 29, 2017 at 6:55 pm - Reply

    The EVIL Tories would sell their own children if they thought they would profit from it, thank God there are no Tories in my family

  6. Msw3681 sw April 29, 2017 at 9:31 pm - Reply

    Mike, they cheated to get in last time, not that they won fair and square.

  7. Thomas April 30, 2017 at 12:20 am - Reply

    Corbyn is not perfect, but he is a hundred times better then the government we have now.

  8. Zippi April 30, 2017 at 1:54 pm - Reply

    It beggars belief why anybody would vote for them; never mid their lies, just look at their track record! As far as Jeremy Corbyn is concerned, the Tories don’t have too difficult a job, because he has been undermined by members of his own party since he was nominated; this was fuel for the media and they and their Tory chums have run with it! Why should people not believe the disparaging comments that the Tories make about Jeremy Corbyn, when the same noises are coming from his own M.P.s? Until we sort that, the Tories, despite their lies, are a shoe-in!
    I have said this many times and I’ll say it, again:
    We have become a nation of sleepwalkers but the people do not realise that they are being fed sleeping pills.
    People of Britain, WAKE UP!
    In an age in which it is so easy to find out the truth, people are still gorging on media spin and lies. So-called fake news are nothing new but there is less reason to be so willing to accept, when we are capable of scrutiny in a way that was not previously available to us.

  9. Zippi April 30, 2017 at 10:57 pm - Reply

    How is it that so many members of the audience of this week’s Question Time (the last speaker, especially) pooh-poohed Jeremy Corbyn? Were these people canvassed beforehand? Seriously how may people spoke against him? How many against the Tories? How many for him? Accident? Chance? Really?

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