Stephen Hawking will finally have a chance to debate health privatisation with Jeremy Hunt – in COURT

Worn down: The Health Secretary has faced a barrage of criticism over the performance of the NHS during the winter [Image: PA].
It would be a hard blow for the Health Secretary, who has sidestepped attempts to get him to account for his failures – which are legion – online, only to have to provide evidence about them in a court of law.
Whatever happens, this will be humiliation for Hunt – and it can’t come soon enough.
Professor Stephen Hawking has won permission to take Jeremy Hunt and NHS England to court over controversial proposals to restructure the health service.
Mr Hunt has tabled a plan which could allow commercial companies to run health and social services across a whole region in what critics have described as allowing back-door privatisation.
Leading healthcare professionals and Professor Hawking have argued an act of parliament is required, allowing MPs and Lords to scrutinise the proposals, before the policy is implemented and any changes to regulations are made.
Lawyers from the Department of Health and NHS England have rejected these claims but a court has now ruled that a full judicial review will be granted to determine the lawfulness of Mr Hunt’s proposals.
Source: Stephen Hawking and leading doctors taking Jeremy Hunt to court over NHS ‘back door privatisation’
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Good luck Professor Hawking. You have right on your side and the best wishes of the majority of the people.
Everyone should know Tory speak. It is Euphemism. Everything they say is Tory Euphemism. Everyone who is in contact with Local Authority, Council Finance, Council Litigation, Social Services, Learning Disability Partnerships, Disability Support Services, Social Care Support, Hospital Services, Housing Services, School Services , must know the whole lot and more are contracted out to Private Money Making Business. This is plain language Privatisation. This whole process and every Tory word is shrouded in layer upon layer of Euphemistic language. Good luck to Prof Hawking, but the final answer is for the voters to stop it happening.
” … Everything they say is Tory Euphemism …” That’s why I call ’em the (s)tory party.
Just what did T May discuss with Trump to cause him to suck up to her at Davos? Not privatizing the NHS by any chance!
Nah, Brian – that’s just a made-up (s)tory, init?
Stephen Hawking is unquestionably clever than Jeremy Hunt and will hopefully manage to wipe the floor with him. He is also a much better person who cares for people and planet – rather than profit like Hunt. The US system is toxic and makes vast profits out of people’s ill health while providing a poor service and denying help to those unable to pay. That should be criminal!!! Out NHS is already privatised to a much greater extent than most people realise and to its detriment. Stop PFI deals that threaten to bankrupt health authorities. Stop forcing things to be put out to tender – that brings in private companies that seek to undercut, do a poor job, treat and pay the workers more badly, and then leave the NHS to pick up the pieces – as with Carillion. Keep it in house where expertise exists and pride in a job well done. Renationalise our NHS and keep it out of the hands of privatising bastards. Never trust Theresa May. She is likely to sell us out to the US.
Well done Professor – thank you for spending your precious time trying to save us from this vampire squid!