Now that’s what I call a Brexit shambles: David Davis resigns (at last) in response to Theresa May’s latest ‘plan’

Don’t let it hit your posterior on the way out: Apparently one reason David Davis resigned is a rumour that anyone quitting the government over Mrs May’s new ‘plan’ (if you can call it that) would be offered the number of a taxi firm on their way out of Number 10.
One wonders whether he found out if the rumour was true.
After months of threatening to resign over Theresa May’s rubbish attempts to make Brexit work, David Davis has resigned as the Secretary of State for Exiting the European Union.
Why did he finally make his own exit?
Did he realise that four hours of talks with the EU27 in half a year was not taking his work seriously and accept he was doing a terrible job?
Did he come to his senses and finally understand that leaving the EU will be ruinous for the UK and should not happen?
Did he cotton on to the fact that the latest attempt to overcome the Irish border question – by applying UK tariffs for goods on the way in and EU tariffs for those on the way out – means there will still be a hard border; those trying to cross will have to be stopped and checked for taxable goods? It seems Theresa May has given up on finding a workable solution and decided it is easier to lie about it instead.
Did he realise that the ‘plan’ knocked out in Chequers over the weekend won’t end the influence of the European Court of Justice on the UK, because decisions by UK courts would involve “due regard paid to EU case law in areas where the UK continued to apply a common rulebook” and cases will still be referred to the European Court of Justice (ECJ) as the interpreter of EU rules?
Or did he simply read The Observer and accept that any ‘plan’ that has the support of Michael Gove – now a government minister but formerly a member of the ‘Leave’ campaign, which the Electoral Commission is about to denounce as criminal – is terminally discredited by association?
One doubts he has the self-awareness for the first two possibilities.
Any or all of the other three are distinctly likely, though.
As for the resignation of fellow DExEU ministers Steve Baker and Suella Braverman? Who cares?
The joy of this, for Lefties like This Writer, is that it throws Theresa May’s government into uproar at just the wrong time.
Mrs May was looking forward to a hard enough job trying to persuade hard-Brexit Tory backbenchers that her new ‘plan’ was worth supporting – she’s not a leader and doesn’t find it easy to persuade others.
Now she has to reshuffle her government – finding three ministers from among the very backbenchers who are now less likely to support her than they were when her plan was announced.
It seems anybody she approaches is far more likely to be signing their name to a ‘no confidence in Theresa May’s leadership’ letter to Sir Graham Brady, leader of the backbench 1922 Committee – triggering a leadership election.
Here’s hoping, eh?
What a diabolical shambles. My advice? Buy popcorn and enjoy the spectacle of Theresa May getting desperate.
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In other news Tory has announced a new method to selecting ministers as the current method does not seem to work, the new method will be that during the summer period when mp’s have a long holiday they will finally be put to work, as the tory have not been doing to well on the entertainment stakes, they are going to have a10 week series called the toryprentice, accompanied by the background music of Dance of the Knights by Prokolev, though that is going to change to send in the clowns, and will be run by a select public panel chosen by the candidates to ensure fairness, they will be set menial tasks such as fiddling expenses, lying, creating policies that don’t work, spending money on third sector companies that they know will go bankrupt, fist pumping, giving money to poor multi-nationals, bailing out banks so they can pay there staff excessive bonuses, voting on things you don’t know the meaning of and talking bills to death, the criteria for going through to the next round is who can spend the most on this or be good enough at the other things, how do you get fired, simple you prove that your policies are good, don’t do any of the above and you be fired and sent home in a black cab, where a life of minimum wage doing menial jobs awaits, that is if you can find one, get through, the skies the limit, first class travel, open expense book second homes, employ your mates and when you choose to leave endless job opportunities with the companies you bailed for 2 days a month getting paid silly money to do nothing, sound like you, the winning task will be to design a strong and stable election campaign lose it and then spend millions bailing up your fake party, watch the troyprentice, coming at a station near you, it will be real realistic tv with the frightening thought that these people are trying to run a country and if it was not for the fact that this is a truthfull thought and a bit of humour, how frightening is that!!!!!
Never mind haystrong. And stable is Mays words
“Buy popcorn” :lol: :lol: :lol:
He left because he realised that staying in the EU was what may’s plan was all about, and how can you negotiate with the intransigent EU when you are not trying to leave?
This is the only thing David Davis has done since first being appointed. Nice work…