Mike Cushman of Jewish Voice for Labour Tries to Put Julia Hartley-Brewer Right about Anti-Semitism Smears | Beastrabban\’s Weblog

As a victim of anti-Semitism smears, this is very informative.

Don’t forget that I am fundraising to take my accusers to court for libel – and I have a long way to go before I have enough! Please visit my JustGiving page if you can help.

And read the following to see how the smears happen and why they need to be fought.

Respect to Jewish Voice for Labour’s Mike Cushman for trying to rebut the anti-Semitism smears being flung against good people, both Jewish and non-Jewish in the Labour party. They’re smeared simply because they criticise Israel and its persecution of the Palestinians and as a cynical strategy to get rid of Corbyn as the Labour leader.

The two short videos below are of Cushman’s attempts to tell TalkRadio’s Julia Hartley-Brewer how things really are.

In the first, below, Cushman states that many of these cases are fabricated and points to the accusations against Pete Willsman. He states that that the accusations were based on selective quotations, and that his words were taken out of context. Cushman supports his argument by stating that he has seen the transcripts.

In the second video here, Cushman quite reasonably asks why Tory islamophobia is never in the news, despite Baroness Warsi talking about it, and asks what Theresa May has done about it. Has she tackled the islamophobes or set up a code of conduct?

Of course, Cushman never had a chance with Hartley-Brewer. She’s a true-blue Tory. She’s been on Have I Got News For You several times, and I think she’s a hack for the Times, which has been very definitely one of the papers spreading these smears. Quite apart from it being owned by the Dirty Digger, who really hates genuine left-wing groups. Hence his support for Labour under Tony Blair, and his return to supporting the Tories once Blair had served his term and Brown had lost the election.

Hartley-Brewer replies to Cushman in the first video by denying that the accusations are fabricated, and contradicts him about Willsman. She claims that Willsman was not quoted out of context, and when Cushman says that he’s seen the transcripts, she says that she’s heard what he said.

In the second video, she responds to Cushman’s statement that Tory islamophobia is never reported by insisting that it is. When Cushman asks here what she is doing about it, Hartley-Brewer starts smiling and laughing before shouting at him that everyone knows that Theresa May does not go about sitting next to people making islamophobic remarks every day, while the leader of his party does it every hour.

Hartley-Brewer’s remarks and demeanour are so wrong, that they need to be analysed and rebutted.

Read the Beast’s rebuttal on his own site: Mike Cushman of Jewish Voice for Labour Tries to Put Julia Hartley-Brewer Right about Anti-Semitism Smears | Beastrabban\’s Weblog

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  1. Gary Bowman August 19, 2018 at 9:43 am - Reply

    Once again she is talking b*****ks, Theresa May has sat next to Boris Johnson day after day!

    • Mike Sivier August 19, 2018 at 1:37 pm - Reply

      Mind your language, Gary!

  2. Zippi August 19, 2018 at 12:56 pm - Reply

    BOO! Is she supposed to be a journalist (whatever that means, these days)?

    • Mike Sivier August 19, 2018 at 1:35 pm - Reply

      As a journalist myself, I’d have to say she’s no kind that I’d ever grace with that title.

  3. Carol Fraser August 20, 2018 at 11:31 am - Reply

    She really is the nastiest female journalist ever. Self opionated, blinkered and bigotted

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