Tory minister for suicide prevention: ‘Like curing malaria with the plague’

Jackie Doyle-Price: The new minister for suicide prevention supported all the policies that have pushed people to take their own lives – and joked about suicide as well. Is that what the Tories think this issue is – a joke?
It was an easy mistake to make. When I heard the Conservative government had appointed a minister for suicide prevention I thought, “Does this mean they’re finally accepting responsibility?”
Alas, I was mistaken.
But you only have to look back over the last six years of Vox Political‘s output to see the Tory record, going back to my report on the Bedroom Tax-related death of Stephanie Bottrill. Her inquest found that stress and pressure placed on her by the Conservative-led government of the day contributed to her suicide.
You would also be well-advised to revist my article about ‘chequebook euthanasia’ – the idea that the Conservative government consciously drives benefit claimants – especially people with long-term illnesses and disabilities – to suicide in a way that means they can then deny any connection with the death.
I began advocating for disabled students when I attended McGill University in 1976, and nothing has angered me more than the British government's maltreatment of its sick and disabled.
— Samuel Miller (@Hephaestus7) October 10, 2018
We have seen such denials many times in recent years, embodied in the now-standard claim that “correlation does not equal causation” and “suicide is complicated; there are many possible causes”.
Sure, correlation does not necessarily equal causation. However, when half of all the women who have ever taken the Tory government’s Work Capability Assessment have attempted suicide – as The Independent has told us – I think it’s safe to say Conservative policies push people towards it.
Theresa May told to scrap fit-to-work assessments after nearly 50% of women attempted suicide during process | The Independent
— Samuel Miller (@Hephaestus7) October 10, 2018
But the announcement of Jackie Doyle-Price’s appointment to the new role said only that she would “help tackle the stigma” associated with suicide. And the only initiative announced was support in schools.
And her commitment to the role was instantly called into question when it was revealed that Ms Doyle-Price has consistently voted for the cuts in social security benefits that have been blamed for the multitude of suicides and suicide attempts.
Nursing Notes tells us: “According to the website TheyWorkForYou, Ms. Doyle-Price has consistently voted to reduce housing benefit, voted against raising benefits in line with inflation, voted against paying higher benefits over longer periods for those unable to work due to illness or disability and voted forty-six times for an overall reduction in spending on welfare benefits.
“Statistics show that those with long-term physical or mental health issues are significantly more likely to be dependent on the state for assistance with housing and living costs.
“Social isolation, financial and health struggles are thought to be some of the leading risk factors for preventable suicide in the UK.”
The article quotes Vicki Nash, Head of Policy and Campaigns at Mind, who said: “Mind found that half of people with mental health problems have thought about or attempted suicide as a result of social issues such as housing issues, finances, benefit support, and employment. We need a benefits system that is supportive – not one that drives people into poverty.”
Damn straight, Keith.
The revelation that she actually made a joke about suicide makes it even worse.
This Site’s long-time friend and fellow campaigner for the rights of sick and disabled people, Samuel Miller, has raised a few pertinent points on this matter, especially the final one:
The DWP is fueling a suicide epidemic. The newly appointed minister for suicide prevention is MP Jackie Doyle-Price.
— Samuel Miller (@Hephaestus7) October 10, 2018
Was her appointment merely a sop to counter alarming headlines about the soaring rate of suicides and attempted suicides among sick and disabled claimants, mostly triggered by loss of benefits.
— Samuel Miller (@Hephaestus7) October 10, 2018
Was it? I don’t think so.
I think it was a signal; they appointed the least appropriate person for the job because they think the deaths and attempted deaths of hundreds of thousands of people are nothing but a big joke. They really are that repulsive.
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hmm mike history repeating itself aktion t4 rolling along of course they now why did dwp under rtu ids stop recording deaths reminds you of history aktion t4 yes many say im mad or insane for this but listen to that old lady telling her story about her mother sounds like this lot have learned tell lies and the peasants listen to their propaganda while they quietly rid themselves of the stock through benefits denial yes my English poop now getting worse but while im alive il shout at my nowing that they are culling us iv seen far to many deaths friends family who just died under their aktion t4 jeff3
Is this new minister being appointed FOR or AGAINST suicide?
Earlier this year we had the scandal of the Minister for Causing Suicides, (Esther McVey) being an advisor to Samaritans. I thought that was bad enough, but protest made her resign from that.
I seriously cannot see how any Tory who has voted for benefit cuts, (or any Tory for that matter,) can be a minister for the prevention of suicide.
The DPAC Report just a few years ago documented over 50,000 Benefits related deaths, many of them suicides, all were cases where the Coroner had stated that Benefits, or concerns about Benefits, had played a part in the death. The Government took legal action to make DPAC take the Report down off their website, and the mainstream media said nothing.
Jackie Doyle-Price would “help tackle the stigma [of suicide]” … ?
What, so people don’t feel so guilty about doing it? How thoughtful.
1 She only has a tiny majority in Thurrock
2 Hard right Labour MP Madeleine Moon obviously likes her:
Congratulations to @JackieDP on her appointment as Minister for Suicide Prevention. I look forward to her continuing to work with the APPG for Suicide & Self-Harm Prevention & to ensure every local area has effective prevention plans in place to save lives. #WorldMentalHealthDay
— Madeleine Moon MP (@MadeleineMoon) October 10, 2018
In fact, she seems to prefer her to Jeremy Corbyn!