A manufactured ‘migrant crisis’ – to create anti-EU sentiment ahead of the big Brexit vote?

Border Force: Some have criticised the government’s immigration control enforcers for failing to keep the refugees out, but the real question is what’s to be done in their best interests.
The Tories really think we’re stupid, don’t they?
They’ve dreamed up a crisis – I mean “crisis” – involving people trying to get into the UK from the European Union. Clearly the EU isn’t doing its job and keeping these people out, right?
Well… It’s not actually that clear-cut.
Here‘s the BBC’s version of the story:
“The rising number of migrants attempting to cross the Channel in small boats has been declared a “major incident” by the UK home secretary.
“Sajid Javid has asked for an urgent call with his French counterpart about the situation.
“The Home Office said there was “concern that it is only a matter of time before people lose their lives”.
“It comes after at least 221 migrants have attempted to cross the Channel to England since the start of November.
“Most recently, 12 people were detained off the coast of Dover in the early hours of Friday morning.
“Officials on both sides of the Channel have warned of the dangers of crossing what is the world’s busiest shipping lane in a small boat. Police have likened the journey to trying to “cross the M25 at rush-hour on foot”.”
The factual information is accurate – it is extremely dangerous to try to cross the world’s busiest shipping lanes in a small boat.
But some information is being passed off as fact when it isn’t. For example, here‘s the Tory Fibs Twitter feed: “Dear BBC, they are not migrants. They are refugees. They are not migrating, they are fleeing. Words matter.”
And here’s a little more – factual – information about the huge numbers of people crossing the channel that prompted Mr Javid to declare his state of crisis:
This is what politicians and the media are calling "Britain's migrant crisis." pic.twitter.com/ZMcXFB6FSX
— Jeff Crisp (@JFCrisp) December 29, 2018
So, 33 people coming into the UK constitutes a crisis. Really?
Here‘s Dr Lauren Gavaghan: “What a perfect way for Conservative MP’s like Sajid Javid to spend their Christmas hols. Whipping up just the right amount of hatred before the possibility of a second Brexit referendum. I wonder if Steve Bannon is visiting again.”
This is the heart of the matter. Refugees are renamed “migrants” because that makes it easier to whip up anger against them – by lying that they’re not escaping persecution but trying to get into the good life by the back door.
(Although why anybody would think the UK was the “good life”, what with Brexit and all that, is anybody’s guess.)
It’s all part of the Conservative “divide and rule” philosophy. They manipulate the people to do what they want, and keep power for themselves. That’s why they are turning public opinion against these refugees.
Consider the words of Yannis Gourtsoyannis, below:
Hey Sajid Javid, let me tell you what a real "major incident" looks like:
600 homeless people dead on the streets in the last yr. 100,000 people a yr attempting suicide due to mounting debts. Flatlining national life expectancy. Hospitals on black alert. Fascists marching…
— Yannis Gourtsoyannis (@YannisGourtso) December 29, 2018
But of course the Tories have already used their puppets in the right-wing news media to turn public opinion against the homeless people who died in 2017 (that’s homeless, not “rough sleepers”). And they tell us regularly that poor people’s debts are their problem and nobody else’s – even though that problem arises from rich employers refusing to pay their employees properly, and from the Conservative government finding the flimsiest excuses under which to refuse payment of benefits – often to the same people.
Alan Gibbons adds: “And it is not ‘a major incident.’ It is 220 vulnerable people arriving since the start of November. We need more empathy and less anti-refugee sentiment.”
Do you want it in more blatant terms? Okay, try this:
Your government wants to scare you.
Just so. The Tories want you to think foreigners are bad, and that the EU in particular is bad because it isn’t helping keep those bad foreigners out.
All to win a vote in a couple of weeks’ time, that can’t be won anyway. To get Theresa May’s hopeless Brexit “deal” through Parliament.
Meanwhile, the real crises go unheeded, as Andrew Graystone points out:
On an average day in the UK:
3,700 are forced to visit a food bank.
5,400 suffer domestic violence.
4,750 sleep rough on the streets.
4 migrants arrive in boats across the Channel.
Guess which one the government is calling a “crisis”?
— Andrew Graystone (@AndrewGraystone) December 29, 2018
Don’t be fooled. Take action. Contact the government and demand to know what is being done to keep these refugees safe and to protect them from whoever they are fleeing.
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The Tory thinking that people are stupid seems to pay off.
“Dear BBC, they are not migrants. They are refugees. They are not migrating, they are fleeing. Words matter.” Fleeing? From France? I didn’t know France was THAT bad!
According to the news reports, these people are originally from Iraq and Syria. Are you trying to tell us you didn’t know?
Is James asking “what makes Britain so attractive that you’d risk your life to make that last leg of the journey”? I doubt if it is the luxurious foodbanks and warm cardboard box accommodation, so I guess they are being lied to by people keen to take their money, and then wash their hands of them. Sounds familiar.
Don’t be daft, Mike! They are fleeing from France. They are migrating from France. They have already reached a safe refuge. I’m not saying they shouldn’t be allowed into the UK – but they are NOT refugees from France!!! ‘Tory Fibs Twitter feed’ was right in this respect – words do INDEED matter! Twisting words, using words that do not apply, provides ammunition for the nasties to throw back.
So they’re French, are they? Of course they aren’t. And you don’t know whether they have indeed reached what they would call a safe refuge in France. Words do, indeed, matter. Please stop twisting them.
Apparently Javid’s manufactured crisis has backfired on him – he’s had to cut short his “luxury African safari” to come back and deal with the matter. The real irony of this is that he’s also going to have to accept the help of the French authorities. What a stupid incompetent rabble they are.
What a big load of leftist claptrap. And why are they fleeing France? are there Nazis running around France? What gives with you bums thinking this shit up. Yes, no doubt the image of 3rd worlders coming to a country doesn’t look good- certainly the UK in the top 5 most tolerant and lax when it comes to immigration and putting up with cultures that are throwbacks and unwilling to integrate but to suggest the Torys have this planned just before the vote in Parliament is on the crazy scale of 10. Anyways, she won’t get her vote and you will just get a no deal, which I do believe was what was voted for in the referendum anyways, suck it up you libtards. Oh and by the way, Trump will probably win another term as the Demoncrats can’t find a decent enough candidate so safe spaces will be made available for y’all.
Hey, everybody! Come and laugh at this guy’s far-right racism and xenophobia. I wonder who told him this kind of hogwash was acceptable.
As for you, ‘Bill’: On your way, snowflake.
Spot on Bill 👍
‘Bill’ sounds like typical dumb ‘merican with no frame of reference to realise that the ‘migrants’ are mostly refugees created by ordnanace made in US and UK. this problem was created by greedy western captalists who had to destroy any progressive middle eastern country so the muslim fundamentalists could run amok and distract to maintain supplies of oil, opium and other commodities
here we go again a rerun of the Brexit vote because the last one was all about fake news and scaremongering on both sides, and the public didn’t know what they were voting about and already the format is back on reset. The public still can’t know what they are voting on because all we have got to is the process of leaving not the final deal because at present the final deal has to be thrashed out afterwards hence the need for a backstop but the fine for leaving is paid upfront.By all means have a public vote on the final deal but thats not for years ahead , what needs to happen is postpone Brexit and work out final deal then vote; that would be more in keeping with the wishes of most people.And we can postpone it if we want and if EU tries to play stalling games on this then we can use stalled time to negotiate the trade deals with rest of world. The extra time would also allow more time for the truth to find is way through all the crap both sides are throwing up and the people might finally get a chance to have a mature and informed debate.
I’d say there’s probably not going to be a second vote, highly unlikely.
I don’t get why people can moan about border security and then complain about homelessness (most the people that die homeless in UK are devoted to crack and heroin so it makes sense that a lot of them die nationally).
All I can say though is; less migrants would probably encourage less to come in, therefore decreasing the amount of people the NHS needs to look after. Note the deciding factor but it is rational to think that.
You know anybody from a foreign country who uses the NHS has to pay for it, don’t you?
And I’d like to see your evidence about drug use killing people who die on the streets.
Mike Mike Mike, take a look at your comments, All rubbish. I know lots of people that work in the NHS and they have told me that foreigners still don’t pay when using our service. If someone turns up at A& E or gets brought in by ambulance NO ONE checks their status, I’m not saying that’s right or wrong , I’m saying headlines don’t always say what’s happening on the shop floor. Anyway let’s get on with Brexit , because we haven’t had it yet and then the country will really flourish. We need to leave with NO deal and sort it out afterwards.
The wishy washy leftie liberal guardianistas are
That is the entire comment as submitted. Make of it what you will!
France is classed as a safe country the same as several other countries these MIGRANTS have passed through.
There safety was assured the minute they reach a safe zone that was not an aggressor to there country.
So them travelling thousands of additional miles to cross into the UK makes them migratory hence they are migrants.
This is a simple fact. No political point no hatred just pure FACT!