If so many people are defecting from Labour because of Jeremy Corbyn, why manufacture FALSE examples?

Jeremy Corbyn: He’d be right to appear dumbfounded at the proliferation of fake identities and Twitter accounts dedicated to undermining his standing among supporters.
Read this:
“I might have remained “soft” Labour but for the perfect storm of Jeremy Corbyn and Brexit. The latter is quite simply anathema to me, not just because I’m the granddaughter of immigrants, but because I believe so strongly in freedom of movement, and that the evidence backs up the overwhelming truth that we are better off in the EU than we can possibly be out of it.
“The Momentum-propelled adulation of Jeremy Corbyn left me cold. I was also increasingly uneasy about the accusations of anti-Semitism in the Labour Party, and for the first time in my voting life I started to feel politically homeless.
“There has been a steady drumbeat from disgruntled Labour supporters looking to the Lib Dems over the past fortnight. A Lexit, you might call it, but not quite the one Jeremy Corbyn envisaged.
“Perhaps he should have listened to some of the 700,000 voices on the People’s Vote and Final Say March in October. I was one of them, protesting with the Lib Dems; I joined the party in August after a lifetime of supporting Labour.”
These were the words of Liz Jarvis in The Independent – and perhaps you think she was simply reflecting the feeling of the many Labour members and supporters we are being told are deserting the party because of Jeremy Corbyn’s opaque attitude toward Brexit.
But there’s a problem with the narrative:
Did you know that @LizJarvisUK – who has written this article attacking Jeremy Corbyn – used to work for Rupert Murdoch? She fails to mention this, as she declares her love for the Lib Dems, a party complicit in Tory cuts, Bedroom Tax and homelessness
— Socialist Voice (@SocialistVoice) January 3, 2019
That’s right – she’s a fake. Tom Pride exposes the facts of the matter on his website, Pride’s Purge. He explores the background of Ms Jarvis:
“Surely not the same Liz Jarvis – editor of extremely posh luxury cruise travel magazine Cruise International?
“Surely not the same Liz Jarvis, editor at Chelsea Publishers – publisher of exclusive lifestyle magazines for sloany posh types?
“Surely not the same Liz Jarvis who was once Rupert Murdoch’s Travel Editor at News International?
“Surely not the same Liz Jarvis one-time Express and Sun hack?”
Boom… pic.twitter.com/zSVJmHht8f
— Bevan Boy 💚 (@mac123_m) January 3, 2019
It seems Ms Jarvis’s intentions may be considered… doubtful – to say the least.
Her left-wing credentials seem undermined by her employment history and the political loyalties implied by it.
If Mr Corbyn’s attitudes are so off-putting, why couldn’t The Independent find somebody with a less questionable history to explain that?
Come to that…
The appearance of such Twitter accounts – all professing a particular political viewpoint but all lacking followers – is a clear sign that they are fake.
Either they are bots – artificial – or they are run by paid employees of (in this case) Mr Corbyn’s political opponents – not necessarily Conservatives – and dedicated to undermining support for him.
I say again:
If support for Mr Corbyn is draining away because of his attitude to Brexit, why are such filthy, underhand, deceitful and disgusting tactics deemed necessary?
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its because the rich have the power and labour has a leader which will hurt their power over the peasants
I don’t know why people take notice of or get hot under the collar about people who claim to be doing such and such because of so and so when it comes to parliamentary parties. It’s usually nonsense.
Jeremy Corbin and the ‘Socialist Party’? Perfect Storm? Perfect! Bring it on!
I am one of them