Universal Credit forces ‘sandwich at Christmas’ claimant to beg supermarkets for food

Faceless: Universal Credit is an attempt to avoid treating benefit claimants as people. It is easier to deprive you of everything if they don’t have to think of you as a person.
It took This Writer a while to understand this.
Not only did the Department for Work and Pensions – through its function (you can’t call it a benefit) Universal Credit – penalise a woman who has had several strokes, including a rare spinal cord stroke resulting in lack of mobility which means she needs to use a wheelchair…
Not only did it take so much away from Carol Brice of Bridgwater that her Christmas dinner was a sandwich…
Not only was it pilloried by public opinion after this treatment became commonly-known…
But it hasn’t responded to that bad publicity at all, and Ms Brice has been forced to write to supermarkets, begging for food.
Worst of all…
Those supermarkets have, in effect, told her to get lost.
They told her they only work with charities and she should go to a food bank.
Tory Britain, 2020.
They bury you in bureaucracy and when you try to dig yourself out, they ignore you altogether.
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It will be interesting to see how truthful this series of programs turns out to be
Universal Credit: Inside the Welfare State
Following the people designing the new benefit system, the staff in Jobcentres and the claimants living on Universal Credit.
Yes, I’ve done an article on that too.
Sorry I missed it, should I consider myself to have been appropriately chastised.
No, but feel free to look it up!
Didn’t Asda want to get the government to issue food stamps but to much public outcry if they did so Asda was put back on the market by the biggest supper market in the world not getting them they decide to sell oh eck Britain following USA wake up people’s before they do really come for you denial of benefits thuss they get to cull the stock aktion T4 at its best but many say no no government would do this look around you see people’s faces coming out of the JCP dwp places welcome to 1930s when this was happening daily
Labour have published a report and statistics on their anti-Semitism disciplinary procedures.
Labour Party Disciplinary Processes on Antisemitism – Statistics
This update shows quarterly breakdowns of actions taken, at different stages of Labour’s disciplinary processes, on all antisemitism cases. Consistent and comprehensive recording of antisemitism complaints began in 2018. Earlier data has been compiled retroactively
Is this the one that shows their own employees knowingly shredded important documents and got away with it, as was all over Twitter yesterday?