Labour asks police to investigate death threats & abuse on staff said to have sabotaged election campaign

Keir Starmer: he has asked police to investigate death threats on Labour staff accused of sabotaging the party’s election chances – not to investigate whether they actually did work to arrange a Tory election victory.
The Daily Mirror seems to have headlined its story wrongly.
We’re told Labour has asked police to investigate claims that party staff worked for a Tory election victory – and against a win for Labour under Jeremy Corbyn.
But the article itself only states that
Death threats and abuse against staff involved have been reported and police called as the wide-ranging probe gets under way.
To This Writer, the article seems to be saying the exact opposite of the headline.
The investigation is about protecting the staff alleged to have sabotaged a Labour victory.
I should point out that it is perfectly reasonable and responsible for police to investigate death threats. Threatening to kill someone is a serious crime.
But people reading the article would have had reason to believe police had been called in to find out whether the claim – informing the leaked Labour report on the way anti-Semitism accusations were handled – was right.
I don’t think it’s an attempt to mislead the public but it does require an explanation.
Source: Labour ask police to investigate claims staff worked for Tory election victory – Mirror Online
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Ops stammer the spammer off the mark .But it reads such but it means they are saying those who helped the cause are getting death threats oh dear another wild goose chase to throw the public of the real case of ridding the party of these parasites yet I wonder a gong coming their way rewarded for their dirty tricks ripping the party apart
If this article ever existed, it’s been censored and removed. The corruption that undermined the election for the tories was a vast criminal conspiracy, bordering on treason.