Should we have any sympathy for Leave-voting farmers facing bankruptcy after ‘No Deal’ Brexit?

Sheep: British farmers voted for Brexit like herds of sheep driven on by the dog. If they had thought for themselves, perhaps they wouldn’t now be facing bankruptcy.
A former chief economist for the National Farmers’ Union has said one in three farms could be driven out of business within five years if Brexit continues without a trade deal with the EU.
According to Farmers Weekly:
Sean Rickard said half of all farms were already unprofitable – and would be even less so after the government phased out direct payments to growers and livestock producers.
The situation would deteriorate further with no deal, he added.
Didn’t these people all vote for Brexit?
This Writer remembers attending pre-referendum meetings here in Mid Wales, with rooms full of Welsh farmers clamouring for the UK to leave the EU as soon as possible.
My recollection is that this was the pattern across the UK.
So it seems to me that they are getting exactly what they wanted.
Source: Farms could fold in no-deal Brexit, warns top economist – Farmers Weekly
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no doubt they can remember this when they go bankrupt and say oh well i believed the tories now i lost my livelihood
Just like turkeys voting for Christmas.
Oddly enough, I know some farmers who suddenly realised what Brexit would mean and voted against it.
But too many others just could not grasp the significance.
Perhaps there is a tendency among Right Wing voters to just assume things will stay more or less the same for all time, so why panic?
Perhaps THAT is what “conservatism” is all about. Things don’t really change. A gloomy attitude which lets people vote for their own worst enemies rather than for a hopeful change as they don’t believe that the change they want will really happen.
I suppose we on the Left have to really grit our teeth and stick to the socialist principle of fairness and equality for all.
So , when Labour are back in power, we would not ask a benefits claimant what way they voted in the Referendum and then allocate less to the Brexit voters(though we might think it appropriate).
So, I suppose we will have to look for ways to try to keep farming going. Though we should remember that the really BIG farmers and landowners were well advised by the NFU and their own staff and definitely voted to remain in the EU.
But they were outvoted by the small farmers who had no specialist advice on the implications and were left at the mercy of Farage, Johnson, The Daily Mail and their own tired old prejudices.
Stupid farmers were warned and told again and again ‘where do you think the subsidies will come from once little england exits the EU? There won’t be any subsidies for you farmers and yes you all will be bankrupt – but you voted leave now you all can reap the rewards!
I’ve often wondered if Brexit voters are all dim-witted people with very low IQ’s…my guess is probably yes