As Johnson plans a new national lockdown, Universal Basic Income is back on the agenda

Money: Three million people went without because Rishi Sunak refused to try a Universal Basic Income pilot scheme in May. More than a milliion children will go hungry over Christmas because Sunak wants them to starve; will he force starvation onto millions of adults as well?
Rishi Sunak is facing renewed demands to pilot a Universal Basic Income (UBI) scheme in the UK, after it was revealed his boss Boris Johnson is considering another national lockdown to try to halt the march of Covid-19 across the UK.
Johnson – and Sunak – rejected those demands back in April, and millions of people fell through the gaping holes in their support packages for people who were financially disadvantaged by the lockdown.
The Financial Times reported that more than three million people went hungry back then – as This Site pointed out in this article.
Meanwhile, Spain launched its own version of UBI in July, amid much discussion in the UK media. Those right-wing sources have been very quiet about it ever since, which suggests that it has been a success and they don’t want you to know.
The letter from the Cross-Party Parliamentary and Local Government Working Group on UBI has been signed by 520 elected representatives.
It says: “Millions of people have fallen through the cracks of the government’s support packages.
“The pandemic has left countless families facing poverty and extreme hardship.
“Many civil society leaders believe that Universal Credit, which has itself been linked to high mortality rates, is ill-equipped to support people through the financial insecurity arising from the recession we are about to enter.
“Economic shocks from financial, social and environmental crises are likely to continue for decades to come.
“Now is the time to act.
“The creation of a Universal Basic Income (UBI) – a regular and unconditional cash payment to every individual in the UK – could be the solution.
“A UBI would build resilience into our society and our communities, while providing the stimulus we need to rebuild our economy.”
I like this bit, which uses the Tories’ own slogans to make its point [I’ve bolded them up for clarity]: “It would level up towns and cities across the UK, allowing us to build back better.”
“With unemployment set to increase amid a shrinking job market, we urge you not to underestimate the wider costs to society of rising poverty and joblessness. These include the ripple effect of increased mental and physical health expenditure, as well as higher policing costs exacerbated by poverty. These will far exceed the costs of putting in place a Universal Basic Income.”
Back in April, the Tory excuse for avoiding UBI was that it discourages people from seeking work, but This Site revealed at the time that this is nonsense; it means people don’t have to take jobs for employers who undervalue the work they do.
Perhaps the Tories are more concerned that, having squeezed the economy so hard over the last 10 years in order to take money from working people and give it to their exploiters employers, there may not be enough to pay those who are willing to work the amount they demand, if others take the option of subsisting on the absolute minimum instead.
That’s their quandary; they have made it for themselves.
Sunak and Johnson have already caused a public relations disaster for their government and the Conservative Party by demanding that poor children be forced into starvation over the Christmas school holidays.
The choice before them now is between starving huge numbers of the population at large and causing a slight financial inconvenience to employers who happen to be Tory doners.
I don’t think they’ll make the right decision. Do you?
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The parliamentary group is offering a worthless £48 per week UBI. Hardly the tiniest expense claim by politicians.
Councils are close to bankruptcy and shedding jobs themselves, and government is close to 100 per cent national debt from pandemic spending so far.
Could Vox Political, please, promote my petition direct to Governor Bank of England, not to government at all, to demand permanent basic income at real living wage rate, from age 16-100, for all UK residents. Especially now furlough finished today, 31 October 2020, and jobless rate will soar by the millions.