Starmer’s authority crumbles further as shadow minister’s CLP demands Corbyn’s reinstatement

“We are many, they are few”: they being, it seems, the pro-Starmer faction of the wider Labour Party membership. And the longer Jeremy Corbyn remains suspended as a party member, the fewer they will become.
Days after Keir Starmer’s Labour leadership repeated a demand for rank-and-file Labour members not to discuss Jeremy Corbyn’s suspension or demand its reversal, CLPs are using his own hypocrisy to attack him.
This Site pointed out the double-standard in an article two days ago.
The day after it appeared, Bristol West CLP supported a motion that highlighted the hypocritical demand. It said, in part:
A number of public figures, including but not limited to the leader of the party, the deputy leader of the party, and the Socialist Campaign Group have issued public statements on the suspension, and that the SCG has called for re-instatement, yet the general secretary has nevertheless ordered that CLPs cannot do the same.
The CLP, political home of shadow housing secretary Thangam Debbonaire, added:
This CLP resolves:
To condemn Jeremy Corbyn’s suspension and demand his reinstatement to the party.
To oppose any and all politically motivated disciplinary actions against the left by the leadership.
According to Skwawbox, right-wingers in the Bristol West Labour Party tried to pack the meeting in order to defeat the motion – or at least amend it – in what can clearly be interpreted as an attack on democracy by supporters of Keir Starmer.
It failed.
But Starmer – and his people – need to answer for their actions.
I’m afraid Corbyn had is chance just like Boris take the whip away but he’s to nice for that offering them the olive branch but it’s shown that these greedie parasites the blairites of the party are only there for themselves not us and whot stammer the spammer done is shown us he’s not labour one bit but a stooge of the Tory party
Let’s get Jeremy back and watch our poll ratings plummet. I hate to admit it, but left wing Labour are an open goal to the tories and the right wing press. That’s why so many working class people who ought to be Labour voters either don’t vote, or vote tory or Lib Dem.
I’m afraid there are sections of the working class, or their modern equivalents, who are easily manipulated by what they read in the Sun and the Express. No real, self respecting tory voter would give these papers houseroom.
You like to attack Blair, and, at times, not without reason. My late wife and I left Labour because of the Iraq war and Blair’s closeness to Bush. I re-joined Labour when Blair stood down. But I, and millions like me, would rather have a Blair government than ones led by the likes of Cameron, May and the even more obnoxious Johnson.
Why don’t you concentrate your fire on our most corrupt government since the C19th led by a man who is, like many of his cabinet, rotten to the core? You could start by hammering on about the way public funds are being shovelled into the pockets of outsourcing companies to fail to use effectively against Covid19, when they should have been directed for use by the more expert NHS during the pandemic. Why not investigate how and why so many government contracts are given to tory favourites without even the bother of them having tender for them? Read all about it in the latest issue of the London Review of Books. Why don’t you keep on about the way that public funds are flung at those who pay their tens of thousands worth of donations to the tories?
We now have corruption run amuck. Starmer really needs to get Corbyn out of the way. I’m afraid Corbyn, by any reckoning, is yesterday’s man.
Johnson is an open goal, but all too often, the left fails to score, so they turn their attack to the goal at the other end where Starmer is the ‘keeper.