Did Johnson lock us down because he expects a riot?

Sound and fury: but the 2011 riots signified nothing. The government of the day suffered absolutely no harm at all from all the burning and looting that people inflicted on each other.
Apparently it’s called multiple discovery.
At the moment, many people across the UK are discovering the idea that a good way to respond to the absolute, unforgivable uselessness of Boris Johnson and his entire Conservative government – on Covid-19, on Brexit, and – let’s face it – on every other policy they have touched with their soiled Tory hands…
… is to riot.
Silly, silly people.
Don’t get me wrong. Considering the circumstances, rioting might be thought to be a reasonable reaction.
But I was having this conversation with a very good friend of mine recently, and had to point out that Johnson and his mobster mates won’t give a fig if a riot happens, because they know the rioters won’t target anything that could possibly make a difference.
Look at the riots in 2011. What happened?
A lot of people took to the streets and caused a lot of damage – to shops, to public property, and to other people.
They didn’t cause any harm at all to the people or institutions they blamed for harming them – by which I mean David Cameron and the Conservative/Liberal Democrat coalition government of the day.
None at all.
As I said to my friend, if I was going to riot, the first thing I’d do would be to ensure that the police could not get their people and vehicles out of their stations to put down the public expression of unrest.
I don’t know how to do this, so we’re already talking academically, rather than practically.
The next thing I’d do would be to target seats of government; bring down the systems they use to inflict their idiocy on the rest of us.
The last thing I would do is target the homes and persons – in London and/or in the wider UK – of particular politicians I would hold responsible for the wholesale harm being done to thousands of ordinary people in the UK every week.
I wouldn’t go near my fellow citizens who are also suffering, their property, and/or the means by which they earn their living.
That would be equivalent to self-harm.
But it is always the first resort of the rioter.
Still, right after I had this conversation, I found the following on Twitter:
Our threshold for rioting is really, really high
— Billie (@_BillieBelieves) December 21, 2020
(Implying that the UK should by on fire right now.)
This is how it starts, isn’t it? https://t.co/5DmURIOP6P
— Billie (@_BillieBelieves) December 22, 2020
It’s a good point. Johnson’s latest wheeze has been to prompt foreign countries into closing their borders to anybody coming from the UK. They say he has turned the country into a “Plague Island” (and they’re not wrong).
This means international hauliers have been stopped at the country’s borders and are now backing up along the UK’s roads and motorways.
Not only has the supply chain seized up…
… but there is an urgent health risk to the drivers themselves, who have no direct access to food, toilets or washing facilities.
My dad is a lorry driver. When he got stuck in Germany in the snow for 2 days, he was offered sandwiches, hot soups and drinks every couple of hours. To see all these lorry drivers stuck in Kent for the second day and given 1 breakfast yesterday, really breaks my heart.
— Teeta 💚🤍❤ (@OnlyOneTeeta) December 22, 2020
Johnson simply didn’t think of these things before he announced to us all that his failures had laid the UK prey to a new, more virulent variant of Covid-19. He and his advisers are too stupid to understand the implications of their decisions.
Here’s another good point:
I am just going to say it, even though I don't like it, even though I still try to support them.
Petitions are not going to fix this pile of poop this country is in.
— sabrexine (@sabrexine) December 22, 2020
In fact, it seems there is no outlet for the public to express our dissatisfaction with the way the government we elected has disgraced itself.
The mainstream media might broadcast interviews with people saying Johnson and his cronies have let us down but if our failed prime minister ever sees them, he’ll just laugh; people shouting at a camera can’t hurt him and they certainly won’t stop him.
He can ignore petitions.
Parliament is in recess for Christmas and he’s resisting demands for it to be recalled. He likes to do his business without democratic oversight, remember.
So what can you do?
….disabled people, those with underlying health conditions have been religiously self-isolating since March. There is an epidemic of loneliness, depression and anxiety, I see it all over social media, we all do. This could all have been avoided if the country….(2.
— Robin 💚 (@HouseOfRedRobin) December 21, 2020
…..PPE contracts awarded left, right and centre, to people associated with the Tory Party, a free-for-all cronyist 'chumocracy'…..the list of ineptitude goes on and on, the criminality and corruption festers and lingers like a rotting corpse….(4.
— Robin 💚 (@HouseOfRedRobin) December 21, 2020
….because I am sure we all understand now, regardless of political bent, that this disgraceful government will do no such thing.
— Robin 💚 (@HouseOfRedRobin) December 21, 2020
Yeah, we can crack.
We can fall into a vortex of “loneliness, depression and anxiety”.
Believe me, Boris Johnson would be delighted by that result!
If you’re disgusted with everything he has done, you probably won’t want to please him in this way.
So the question arises:
What are you going to do?
It’s Christmas. You’re on a break. There’s a bit of time for you to make a decision.
Better make it a good one.
Because if it isn’t…
You may never see another Christmas.
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Surely he would just cancel Brexit if he wanted a riot most the people who voted leave were regular rioters haha.
With UC that alone once more peasants have
Felt this stick would in time brought about riots
But now we have a virus on top and the person steering the country can’t control it oh dear
If people are angry enough to riot they will ignore the law.
Rioting is utterly pointless, other that for the criminal element who take the opportunity to indulge in a looting spree and other nefarious activities. Why aim the violence at your own society? What’s needed is Revolution! Ask members of the police and the armed forces whose side they are on. If they give – truthfully – the right answer, the answer they SHOULD give, i.e. the side of the people, great – come on and join us! If they’re for the Establishment then they’re the enemy and deserve no quarter. Not that I can see this happening, and not that I’m for violence in any case unless it’s unavoidable, but equally I see less and less chance of a peaceful revolution in society. The Establishment is already (and has been, one way and another, for ever) ruling with violence, mental and legal where it’s not openly physical. And it’s not just the dis-UK either!
Yes – we are ruled by violence and coercion.
And no – it seems there’s no peaceful way to change that situation.
I’m glad you agree that rioting isn’t the answer and that anybody wanting to effect real change would need to target their action appropriately – whatever it might be.
Rioting is just self-harm, really.
Rioting got the poll tax stopped. Rioting in the City would have effect as that’s where Boris has his backers. Bringing the City to a halt would achieve something. I doubt the public are that organised though, which is a shame.
That is my point, of course.