Why are the Tories running a survey on a planned disability strategy without telling anyone?

Last Updated: February 3, 2021By Tags: , , , , , , , , , ,

If you have a disability, did you know about this? It has been running since January 15.

Has there been a whisper about it in the national, or even local media?

If so, This Writer hasn’t seen it.

I was alerted to it by a contact, to whom I think we should all be grateful.

Let’s try to get the following shared with as many people as possible – obviously anybody with a disability needs to see it and take part.

Because it seems people with disabilities are the last ones the Tories want to hear from.

The Disability Unit at the Cabinet Office is developing a National Strategy for Disabled People. Publication is planned for Spring 2021.

To help the government with understanding the barriers that disabled people face and what it may need to focus upon to improve the lives of disabled people, we need to hear about your views and know more about your experiences.

This survey will ask about your life experiences either as a disabled person, a carer or parent or as someone who has an interest in disability issues.

Many people have had big changes in their lives as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and there will be an opportunity at the end of the survey to state if your life has changed notably due to COVID-19, and in what ways. However, please answer other questions thinking about yourself, your own experiences and your current situation.

The survey will be open until 23 April 2021. Responses received before 13 February 2021 will inform the development of the National Strategy, while those received after this date used to inform its delivery.

Source: UK Disability Survey – Disability Unit – Citizen Space

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  1. Jeffrey Davies February 4, 2021 at 6:31 am - Reply

    Why did RTU IDs go to see those famous gates
    Why because he hasn’t a Christian spirit in him
    Like all these devil’s expect dangerous times from these and running a secret disability program must tell you something that no good
    Will be the outcome for those it was meant to

  2. disabledgrandad February 4, 2021 at 3:32 pm - Reply

    What barriers disabled people suffer in the UK the Tory party going to get rid of yourselves./ Or the DWP scum that makes disabled peoples lives a misery?

    The pittance you give disabled people while constantly gaslighting us on how generous you are. Let’s see most people try and live while disabled on just over 100 pounds a week? While trying to pay for everything.
    Yes, it’s more than job seekers but seen the cost of prescriptions now try 10 a month… Yes, there are ways of reducing that but that is just one example of the extras we have to find out of our tiny benefit awards. BTW that’s top of the benefits award but because I have a partner who is retired I get penalised heavily for that nice…

    This is why disabled people are the poorest group in the UK, We also have worse life expectancies duh were disabled I know.

    If you can work while most can’t not won’t… I whould love to work but no one whould employ me! If you can find a job that will accommodate your needs holding onto it is harder than ever.

    Now we come to this Tory scum hidden research that they have not published or told anyone about in any disability group in the UK… So only the select few stitches up the project again then where they wanted to hear from that will tell them everything is unicorn farts and roses for us as usual. This kind of BS is yet another reason to never trust Torys!

    If your disabled or look after a disabled relative / friend please go and fill it out. Anything that exposes Tory lies makes our lives better in the long run… Heh okay that maybe a different universe but we can but hope!

  3. Nick Manning-James February 4, 2021 at 5:19 pm - Reply

    Guarantee the outcome in of the new strategy will promote a ‘financial incentive’ to ‘help / encourage’ disadvantaged and disabled people off benefits into unsuitable work or on to lesser paid benefits – Same old tory scum attacking the disadvantaged poor to pay for their catastrophic management of the country and the subsequent rocketing cost of corvid-19.

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