Why is Twitter blocking searches for photos and videos of Matt Hancock? Political bias?

Last Updated: June 26, 2021By Tags: , , , , , , ,

Smug little cheat: and Matt Hancock seems to have reason to be cocky, what with Twitter suppressing embarrassing photo and video searches.

There is no reason for Twitter to do this – other than political bias.


I’ve checked and it is accurate. Photo and video searches using Hancock’s name have been disabled.

Twitter users may wish to inquiry of @TwitterSupport just why it is supporting an unfaithful husband who breaks his own safety rules, thereby increasing the risk of contracting a potentially fatal disease that has been blighting the world for a year and a half.

What’s the strategy there, Twitter?


  1. nivekd June 26, 2021 at 3:38 pm - Reply

    You’re right! I tried and got:
    No results for “Matt Hancock”
    The term you entered did not bring up any results. You may have mistyped your term or your Search settings could be protecting you from some potentially sensitive content.

  2. cathy fox blog on Child Abuse June 27, 2021 at 11:38 am - Reply

    Its not political bias.The exact opposite “bias” has been happening in the US for months. It is twitter supporting a gobalist, Greaat Reset NWO agenda. Unfortunately those that think in 1 dimensional left right politics do not see the wider picture…

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