Tory government caused tens of thousands of Covid-19 care home deaths unlawfully

Dr Cathy Gardner: she was one of those who took the government to the High Court, after the care home death of her father, Michael Gibson.
Watch (and/or listen to) this:
“The thing that we didn’t know in particular was that Covid could be transmitted asymptomatically,” said Boris Johnson.
Not true.
In their judgment, Lord Justice Bean and Mr Justice Garnham found that the government failed to take into account the risk to elderly and vulnerable residents from non-symptomatic transmission, which had been highlighted by Sir Patrick Vallance in a radio interview as early as March 13, 2020:
“Those drafting the March Discharge Policy and the April Admissions Guidance simply failed to take into account the highly relevant consideration of the risk to elderly and vulnerable residents from asymptomatic transmission.”
The government stopped testing for Covid-19 on March 12 that year, due to a lack of capacity, and care home residents weren’t regularly tested until April 15, by which time the virus was rampant.
The Commons’ own Science and Technology Committee pointed out in May that year that, despite having been warned about asymptomatic transmission, and despite evidence suggesting a “high proportion” of people with Covid-19 – possibly as high as 80 per cent – have no symptoms at all, the government’s approach to dealing with asymptomatic carriers was still unclear.
And more than 20,000 people died.
This Writer hopes the judgment opens the way for the families of the deceased to claim compensation from the government – although, sadly, any such payments are likely to be paid from the public purse, rather than directly by the Tory Cabinet ministers responsible, such as Boris Johnson and then-health secretary Matt Hancock.
The deaths of this multitude of people are their responsibility. It’s no wonder that bereaved families have demanded Johnson’s resignation.
He has ignored the demands, as usual. He doesn’t care that thousands of people died. Remember – he’s alleged to have said “let the bodies pile high in their thousands” at a later date.
But there will be an inquiry into the lessons to be learned from the Covid-19 pandemic next year.
Perhaps it will recommend that those responsible be brought to justice for the deaths they have caused (but I doubt it).
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Yet how many believe that a government could do this to it’s people’s we know that dwp has a denial of benefits so a very highly virus comes along that culls the useless eaters but hay ho who would believe this of it’s own government
Fascist tories always utter the same lies whenever they are shown to have committed criminal acts. Their stance is ‘we didn’t know’ as if this will magically erase their systemic crimes against us peasants.
Little fascist dictator convict Duck johnson, Matt Hancock and all the other fascist tories are directly responsible for causing the deaths of over 180,000 women, men and children who all died unnecessarily from coronavirus. It was a deliberate strategy by the callous and sadistic fascist tories to force elderly women and men already in hospital to be taken out and placed in care homes. The fascist tories knew many of these elderly women and men already had contracted coronavirus and transmitting it to other elderly women and men in care homes would cause innumerable deaths. The money saved by these deaths is staggering and that is what the fascist tories could only see – our public money or rather ‘the fascist tory money’ because they believe our public money is their personal pocket money.
Also do not forget many female staff working in the care homes also contracted coronavirus because the fascist tories refused to give them protective clothing. Instead flimsy plastic aprons were the only items provided by the fascist tories!
But I predict the fascist tories will be exonerated of any state sanctioned mass murder because they have their bros within their legal system and the dominant refrain from the fascist tories will be ‘we didn’t know so we aren’t responsible for committing mass murder!’
I’m still trying to figure out the difference between unlawful and illegal…..