Polio is back – because privatised water firms were allowed to dump untreated sewage?

Rivers of Sh*t: Boris Johnson couldn’t be bothered to think about the details of his Brexit, and now the UK is suffering shortages of materials including those used to clean sewage. So partially-cleaned and harmful crap is going directly into our rivers – including faeces containing the polio virus, that could paralyse people who have not been vaccinated against it.
It’s true – a disease that we thought we had eradicated is back, due to Tory short-sightedness:
Polio is back in the UK. That's just another reason why privatised water companies should not be allowed to dump faeces in rivers.
— David__Osland (@David__Osland) August 11, 2022
Here‘s a government press release on what has happened:
The UK Heath Security Agency (UKHSA), working with the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA), has found poliovirus in sewage samples collected from the London Beckton Sewage Treatment Works.
As part of routine surveillance, it is normal for one to three ‘vaccine-like’ polioviruses to be detected each year in UK sewage samples but these have always been one-off findings that were not detected again. These previous detections occurred when an individual vaccinated overseas with the live oral polio vaccine (OPV) returned or travelled to the UK and briefly ‘shed’ traces of the vaccine-like poliovirus in their faeces.
Investigations are underway after several closely-related viruses were found in sewage samples taken between February and May. The virus has continued to evolve and is now classified as a ‘vaccine-derived’ poliovirus type 2 (VDPV2), which on rare occasions can cause serious illness, such as paralysis, in people who are not fully vaccinated.
The detection of a VDPV2 suggests it is likely there has been some spread between closely-linked individuals in North and East London and that they are now shedding the type 2 poliovirus strain in their faeces. The virus has only been detected in sewage samples and no associated cases of paralysis have been reported – but investigations will aim to establish if any community transmission is occurring.
The last case of wild polio contracted in the UK was confirmed in 1984. The UK was declared polio-free in 2003.
Dr Vanessa Saliba, Consultant Epidemiologist at UKHSA said:
Vaccine-derived poliovirus is rare and the risk to the public overall is extremely low.
Vaccine-derived poliovirus has the potential to spread, particularly in communities where vaccine uptake is lower. On rare occasions it can cause paralysis in people who are not fully vaccinated so if you or your child are not up to date with your polio vaccinations it’s important you contact your GP to catch up or if unsure check your Red Book. Most of the UK population will be protected from vaccination in childhood, but in some communities with low vaccine coverage, individuals may remain at risk.
We are urgently investigating to better understand the extent of this transmission and the NHS has been asked to swiftly report any suspected cases to the UKHSA, though no cases have been reported or confirmed so far.
Jane Clegg, Chief nurse for the NHS in London said:
The majority of Londoners are fully protected against Polio and won’t need to take any further action, but the NHS will begin reaching out to parents of children aged under 5 in London who are not up to date with their Polio vaccinations to invite them to get protected.
Meanwhile, parents can also check their child’s vaccination status in their Red Book and people should contact their GP surgery to book a vaccination, should they or their child not be fully up to date.
The UK is considered by the World Health Organization to be polio-free, with low-risk for polio transmission due to the high level of vaccine coverage across the population. However, vaccine coverage for childhood vaccines has decreased nationally and especially in parts of London over the past few years, so UKHSA is urging people to check they are up to date with their vaccines.
Wastewater surveillance is being expanded to assess the extent of transmission and identify local areas for targeted action. Healthcare professionals have been alerted to these findings so they can promptly investigate and report anyone presenting with symptoms that could be polio, such as paralysis.
So it’s in the sewage and, because some people have decided not to vaccinate their children (based on a falsehood, as I understand it), there’s a risk that someone may catch polio and be paralysed.
And there are concerns that it may spread – or may have spread already. Well, with untreated sewage going directly into the rivers, it’s entirely possible, isn’t it?
Another brilliant Tory idea to cope with the consequences of their brilliant Brexit causes trouble.
ADDITIONAL: This is worrying:
Another irony being that there are now plans to draw water from these rivers to compensate for the reservoir water shortage.
— Matt Lynch (@Mathew_Lynch44) August 12, 2022
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Shitte on a stick you have the idiots saying it’s the new comers fault isn’t it about monies you government who cut council monies to the bone so their checking through their health care can’t be done know has of lack of monies ontop the water companys so devoid of a workforce to keep the water leaks and controlling water ways it’s just another ticking time bomb through thatchers sell off of our silverware untill we get a true leader of labour policy’s then we can expect nothing done to change our bills and health
I had already considered this correlation but said nothing as I may have been considered paranoid or foolish, I’m glad that you’ve so eloquently highlighted it.
Have you also considered this correlation? – https://www.bbc.co.uk/newsround/62504602
Tory Cuts have caused the closure or privatisation of swimming pools making it too expensive or physically impossible to access healthy swimming venues.
Subsequently, there has been a marked increase in “wild water” deaths blamed on thrillseeking or hot weather and not on Tory cuts that forced people to swim in sewage infested water.
Well done fascist tories for reintroducing Polio into the UK! Next we can expect typhoid and cholera to return to little england all because the fascist tories refuse to criminalise private water companies’ discharging raw sewage in our rivers!
I’m certain the fascist tories already have their list of scapegoats and excuses concerning the return of disease Polio because no way will the fascist tories accept their criminal accountability!
um, so why is WHO openly planning for a decade of pandemics? if they’re not being deliberately caused…..why on earth would they do that?
it’s on the increase everywhere, not just the uk….here’s something from one of the ‘censored people’, have to scroll down for it… https://rwmalonemd.substack.com/p/a-new-name-for-monkeypox-is-coming?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email