Did Boris Johnson scuttle a Russia-Ukraine peace deal – back in APRIL?

Ukraine-Russia talks: it seems they succeeded – until the UK’s then-prime minister Boris Johnson intervened. If true, it means the crisis of rising energy costs is HIS doing.
This is incendiary.
It seems that Russia and Ukraine came to a tentative agreement to cease hostilities in April – so Boris Johnson flew out to Kyiv and persuaded Volodymyr Zelenskyy to scrap the deal.
Remember the way Tory politicians – including Boris Johnson – have been saying the energy crisis is a direct result of the Russia-Ukraine war? If this report is accurate, then it isn’t because of Vladimir Putin at all.
It’s because of Boris Johnson.
Particularly wounding for This Writer is the information that the deal that had been negotiated was along lines I laid out, back in March.
I stated that Ukraine should agree not to join Nato but should agree a deal by which Nato could step in if its borders were violated; the breakaway eastern regions of Ukraine should hold referenda on their future – whether to remain in Ukraine, become autonomous, or join Russia; Ukraine should relinquish its claim on the Crimea; and Russia should help repair the damage its invasion caused to Ukraine.
The deal, as described in the video above, was that Ukraine shouldn’t join Nato but would get help from neighbouring countries if invaded; and Russia would withdraw to its position on February 23, when it controlled part of the Donbas region and all of Crimea.
I thought it was a naive plan at the time. Now we find it was the plan.
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Yes, and he also told Yelensky to ignore Erdogan’s push for negotiations and go on the attack in Kherson on his last visit. All the dead in the last few months, and this disastrous Southern offensive are on him. Many analysts think the debacle of the commando raid on the Zaporozhye NPP was a British plan too.
To be fair, he is just the errand boy for the US, but he could have said no to them, if he cared to.
This was widely known at the time but was never reported as it doesn’t fit the right wing media narrative, just watch it simply disappear….
Tories need wars, disease, death and disasters as without their distraction, people see them for what they are.
Thatcher created the Falklands War and the first Gulf War just to stay in power, what distraction the next PM will create, who knows? – But it won’t benefit us !
hardly new news, war was always the plan, I knew that before it started, 90% sure anyway….question is why? Wear russia down…? Great reset….? just one tiny cog in overall plan methinks… :-(
Johnson, like so many leaders who feel they are not being taken seriously enough & given credit they are entitled to just for being the PM, seek, as all narcissists do, to stand with those they envy – namely “the leaders of the free world”(Oh for the gift that God did ge us, to see ourselves as others see us). Johnson having failed to get a bilateral Trade Agreement from Biden(the US does not “do” bilateral trade agreements, but Johnson had NOT understood that Obama’s reference to the “special relationship the US has with the UK” was solely for the purpose of influencing our decision on whether or not to stay in the EU) and dissatisfied with no photo op, was probably hoping for another opportunity to be able to have the world’s cameras on him, as Blair did with thicko Bush, when he announced that the UK would sanction Gazprom Bank, thereby scuttling all chance we had of gaining access to Russian gas, despite 165 countries(out of 195)refusing to sanction Russia. It would, therefore, serve his interests and those of the US who desired this war against Russia so much and to hell with the Ukrainians who would die serving those interests, to persuade Zelensky to take the deal & piss off the US or refuse it & trust in the US, the UK and it’s EU/NATO allies to come to the rescue.
Zelensky is now finding out just what those empty words held in store for his people and the country of Ukraine.
In short, people like Johnson don’t give a shit about either the Ukrainian people or even the British working class who will suffer the consequences of his rash, self serving advice to Zelensky, after all, Johnson has money enough to weather the coming storm. So yes, Johnson did indeed scuttle any chance of peace as had been all but signed up to.