Tired of life under the Tory government? You are far from being alone

Despair: it seems many people in the UK are losing the will to live – even (or especially) the young. How can we restore their joie-de-vivre?
It seems many older people, despite being in good health, are tired of life.
They provide numerous reasons for feeling that way, as listed here:
Aching loneliness, pain associated with not mattering, struggles with self-expression, existential tiredness, and fear of being reduced to a completely dependent state.
Tiredness of life also seems to arise in people who consider themselves to have lived fulfilling lives. One man of 92 told the network’s researchers:
You have no effect on anything. The ship sets sail and everyone has a job, but you just sail along. I am cargo to them. That’s not easy. That’s not me. Humiliation is too strong a word, but it is bordering on it. I simply feel ignored, completely marginalised.
For some people, this elicits a deep-rooted sense that life has been stripped of meaning – and that the tools we need to rebuild a sense of purpose are irretrievable.
The article goes on to say that this feeling is similar to what some of us can experience at other points in life – but it’s not the same.
I wonder…
How many of us are experiencing the same feelings of “not mattering” – and not being able to matter, because we live in a society that completely suppresses us.
I was talking to a friend a while ago about ways of getting young people interested in voting at the local elections. He said he thought it would be close-to-impossible to motivate people aged between 18 and, say, 24 because they lack one basic element that makes life worthwhile.
They lack hope.
So they immerse themselves in video games, in the instant gratification of social media attention… in meaningless sex. It’s simply to give themselves something to do.
They don’t believe that anything they do will make a difference. The environment is permanently maimed, in their view. Politics is a closed shop where only “elites” are allowed. And business is likewise controlled by a few barons and their families – look at Akshata Murty, the wife of UK prime minister Rishi Sunak.
In short, there are no opportunities for social mobility – for improvement of the conditions of their lives. Tory government over the last 13 years has locked off any such opportunities.
What is the answer?
Logically, it would be to give these people their hope back. That is an extremely tall order for the elderly, who feel that all of their usefulness is behind them and (in many cases) all of the skills they learned in earlier life are obsolete. It would involve finding a way to re-engage tired minds with the modern way of life, and medical advances that would restore their physical abilities.
But the young?
They can’t help us because they don’t know how to regain something they don’t think they’ve ever had.
Do we look at history? Examine how young people were motivated in past times? Do we look at geography – examine how young people are motivated in other nations?
I’m asking because I don’t have an answer.
What’s yours? I’d especially like to know if you happen to be a young person.
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The old turn out to vote the most, but are unheard by current elected parliament, who keep attacking policies that deliver to the elderly. Helping to start a party with updated Corbyn’s policies plus the omitted Grey Vote policies no party is offering, would also deliver to the young, and gain them something that they don’t need to vote for, to get.
Admin Grey Swans seeks founders, please, for oven ready (fully published manifesto) new Over 50s & Young Labouring Ages party. Contact through website over50sparty org uk to volunteer as founder, that costs you nothing but your time.
Nothing will change even if Starmer and his fake Labour Party win the next election.They will continue with the tory criminality, with the tory ill concieved policies.The NHS will no longer exist. There will be even more people using food banks, there will be more people being made homeless. There will be more deaths due to the fact that people cannot afford to see a doctor, cannot afford to go to hospital for a life saving operation….Even though we, the people pay towards the NHS through taxes, the funding will be stolen and handed over to private health care providers, MPs will continue to be bribed…Will continue to refuse to serve Britain and the British people.