More meaningless pledges from the lying Labour leader

Last Updated: June 19, 2023By Tags: , , , , , , , , ,

Labour leader Keir Starmer has come out with a couple more pledges to make voters happy for a while. Expect them to be reversed long before any general election.

The first is a promise to repair governmental relations with armed forces personnel who were used and thrown away by Tory governments. Starmer again played his ‘family’ card – that he had a family member in the societal sector concerned.

But he said his mother was in the NHS and is quite happy to privatise it into oblivion for the sake of a bung or two from private health companies, so it means nothing.


Didn’t Starmer’s lieutenant, Rachel Reeves, cancel a pledge to invest £28 billion on green initiatives in every year of a Labour government, in the name of a “fiscal responsibility” that doesn’t actually exist? The UK economy is such that money can always be found for initiatives that governments want to support; think of the £800 billion that Boris Johnson and Rishi Sunak spaffed off to Tory friends and donors during the Covid-19 crisis, in return for nothing at all.

(If a Labour government was serious about “fiscal responsibility” it would get that cash back.)

So there you have two Labour pledges that mean nothing at all.

One Labour pledge that does mean something is its unswerving, unequivocal support for the government of Israel and the apartheid that it operates. Here’s Keir Starmer, categorically denying that any such apartheid exists…

(His appeal for Jews to return to the Labour Party is risible because he has expelled more Jews from that party than any previous Labour leader.)

… and here’s an expert from the United Nations, explaining that Israel is indeed an apartheid state.

Keir Starmer can say whatever he likes but the facts are against him. As long as he continues to make false claims about Israel, Labour will continue to be a racist party – and anti-Semitic because of its persecution of left-wing Jews within the party.

Also persecuted within the Labour Party is anybody who is not absolutely loyal to Keir Starmer. So we see the shortlist for candidates in the campaign to become the new North East Mayor, that does not have left-winger Jamie Driscoll on it.

This has outraged party members and supporters:

Now we learn that Mick Whitley, a member of Labour’s Socialist Campaign Group, has been deselected and will not be allowed to stand for re-election as the MP for Birkenhead in the next general election.

Commentators like This Writer have spent years warning SCG members that their supine acceptance of Starmer’s aggression will not help them; they cannot change Labour from the inside and will only be targeted for removal individually, over time. Sadly, we have been proved correct yet again.

Mr Whitley is not happy about his deselection and has made his feelings clear:

These are just two more examples of Keir Starmer’s disdain for democracy. It isn’t a secret – take a look at the following (and read the article) for further details (if you can get past the paywall):

There’s an obvious conclusion to draw: if Starmer is willing to “ride roughshod” over democracy in the Labour Party, then he’ll do exactly the same to the UK as a whole if his party is ever voted into government.

Isn’t it ironic? You were warned off voting for Jeremy Corbyn by people who told you he would turn the UK into a far-left Communist dictatorship. And now the same people are avidly egging you on to vote in Starmer’s far-right dictatorship instead.

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  1. Stu June 19, 2023 at 4:24 pm - Reply

    At a time when how deserving are some knighthoods and cronyism is being questioned Sir Starmer deflects attention towards his “humble parents”.
    His mum a Nurse and his Dad a Maker of Tools in more than one respect.

  2. Tony June 20, 2023 at 12:11 pm - Reply

    “There’s an obvious conclusion to draw: if Starmer is willing to “ride roughshod” over democracy in the Labour Party, then he’ll do exactly the same to the UK as a whole if his party is ever voted into government.”

    It is perfectly logical to make this assumption.

    • flttymartyn June 20, 2023 at 6:38 pm - Reply

      Starmer the British traitor, proven liar, fraud, deceiver, and lackey for Israel, is a total disgrace and should be arrested and tried for treason…He has no interest in serving Britain or the British people…..

  3. El Dee June 22, 2023 at 2:39 am - Reply

    All my life I’ve never seen this level of outrage at a party leader from their own party’s supporters (previous supporters at least) It reminds me of old bands fighting over who can use the band’s name for touring. Because that is the ONLY reason people will vote Labour now, the name. There is no viable alternative which could attain power and remove the Tories and Starmer takes advantage of this. Of course he could find that he faces the same problem in England & Wales as happened in Scotland – the voters abandon them anyway. People could easily get behind the Greens instead of them. Labour have been much touted to take ‘half the SNP’s seats’ at the next election. If they did it would still be a pitiful amount compared to what they had and despite everything the Scots still don’t trust Labour. If only we had a system in which parties tried to persuade the electorate of their policies rather than adopt the ones of the incumbents. I noted that the new announcements made from Scotland were simply rehashes of SNP policy to take as their own.

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