If Keir Starmer’s Labour isn’t worthy of governmental office, why support it?

Last Updated: July 8, 2023By Tags: , , , ,

Keir Starmer: he has broken his word so many times that nobody believes him, and his unrelenting assault on his own party’s members has forced thousands to quit before they were pushed. Considering the damage he has done to his own party, why would anybody want to unleash him on the country as a whole?

You may think the question in the title is redundant, considering how low the Conservatives have set the bar.

But the point is valid: just because the Conservatives are so soul-destroyingly bad as a party of government, do we have any reason to believe Labour could possibly be better for us?

A new poll suggests that the Tories’ recent bad performance may lead to near-annihilation at the next election:

The story suggests that Tories responded by attacking Rishi Sunak’s leadership, accusing him of being “missing in action” and having “given up”.

But what about Keir Starmer’s leadership? We all saw him disgrace himself last week, launching a plan to increase young people’s ability to express themselves in speech by shutting down two youngsters who tackled him over his decision to scrap Labour’s (now-former) environmental policy.

He doubled down on this by failing to meet them afterwards – probably the quickest he has been to break a pledge yet.

Today (Saturday, July 8, 2023), he decided to speak at Unite’s national conference rather than attend the Durham Miners’ Gala. Some might question why the union scheduled its conference in conflict with a major socialist event, but since the clash has happened, some have drawn their own conclusions from his choice:

Then there’s the big question of the moment: why has Starmer been pushing members out of the Labour Party, wholesale?

Here’s union leader Mick Lynch, on the issue:

John McDonnell, whose policies were praised by Mr Lynch in the clip, agrees that Starmer is purging Labour of its left-wing members:

Here’s a clip of him expressing his concerns verbally. Starmer – who wants people to be better-able to do this – should be proud. Somehow, one doubts that he is:

Starmer has responded, here:

Notice that he did not actually answer the question; he gave a pre-prepared speech about something different.

He was also challenged on Channel 4 News. Watch the clip, but take note of Pamela Fitzpatrick’s commentary too:

Again he failed to answer the question, coming back with the same pre-rehearsed speech.

Meanwhile, Ms Fitzpatrick is right: Labour has no policies, other than “we’ll have to judge the situation after the next general election” – and that’s no good because voters need to know what to expect from all parties before an election takes place.

He and his right-wing (because believe me, he won’t let left-wingers have any voice at all) cronies could easily work out essential policies, based on the current situation and the direction of travel.

Why aren’t they doing that?

The only reason that makes sense is: they know the policies they would follow are not the policies the UK needs. They know they would misbehave exactly as the Tories have, using the processes of government to enrich themselves rather than the nation as a whole. And they know that saying it would be electoral suicide.

But we can deduce it, and that’s as good as hearing it from Starmer’s own lips – isn’t it?

So the question arises: Why should we vote either Labour or the Tories into government, knowing that neither party is fit for the job?

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  1. Grey Swans July 9, 2023 at 1:37 am - Reply

    Admin Grey Swans pension group’s project seeks, please, the purged out of Labour, women aged over 50, to bring into existence our oven ready (fully comprehensive general election manifesto, based on Corbyn’s legacy but with omitted pension money policies learned by us 1950s, now 1960s ladies) new Over 50s & Young Labouring Ages party.

    Contact through website please

  2. Tony July 9, 2023 at 4:27 pm - Reply

    Starmer has no intention of being any better.
    Do not vote Labour while he is leader.

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