Starmer SCRAPS (not ‘waters down’) his pledge to strengthen workers’ rights

Last Updated: August 19, 2023By Tags: , , , , , , , , ,

Keir Starmer: if he bothered to do some work instead of lounging around listening to right-wing donors, he’d known that protecting workers’ rights means employers’ productivity and profitability improves. His claim that watering down those rights is pro-business is ridiculously silly.

Keir Starmer has really done it this time; he has scrapped the Labour Party’s reason for existence.

In case it hasn’t occurred to you, the “Labour” in that party’s title means it was created to represent working people and people who have to seek work in order to make a living.

Not very long ago, Starmer pledged (he loves to pledge) stronger rights for workers if his party were to form a government.

Now that pledge is as much a part of history as all the others he has made:

Let’s be clear on this: Starmer has gone on the record many times, stating that his word is his bond and if he makes a pledge, he’ll stick by it (the following clip discusses renationalisations of privatised national utilities and the scrapping of university tuition fees, which are both Starmer pledges that have since been consigned to history):

Saul Staniforth points out that Starmer’s supporters have excuses for his decisions to withdraw all the pledges he made when he became leader of what was still, then, the Labour Party. But Saul also clarifies that the same conditions are not relevant to the pledge on workers’ rights:

It seems clear from shadow minister Stephen Morgan’s interview response below that the pledge on workers’ rights is now history:

Here’s the at-a-glance guide to what Starmer has done:

Alternatively, follow the link below for a more in-depth examination:

Amazingly, Angela Rayner is still claiming that the policy is intact and the only difference is that, now, the way it will be implemented is being laid out:

But nobody is taking that seriously, including leading figures within the party:

Ultimately, last week’s announcement means just one thing to most people:

And finally: here’s Damo with exactly the kind of earthy commentary we should expect from him:

The punchline is that Starmer’s claim that scrapping this policy is pro-business… is childish nonsense.

Firms whose employees have strong rights and support are more successful than those whose workers don’t – because their job security instils loyalty, pride in their work and a genuine desire for the entire business to prosper. They are healthier in body and mind, and more productive.

Firms that treat their employees as they will be able to continue treating them under Starmer’s new policy… well, they go under. And then the bosses blame the workers they mistreated.

Starmer would know that if he had bothered to do any research.

Sadly, it seems he doesn’t know the meaning of work.

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  1. Chris Sterry commenting August 19, 2023 at 4:17 pm - Reply

    Just shows you you can never trust any politician no matter from which party they are in.

  2. Martyn Meacham August 20, 2023 at 10:42 am - Reply

    Anyone who votes for Starmer and his fake Labour, tory party must need their head read! Both Sunak’s and The zionist bribed Starmer’s tory parties must be defeated at the next election!

  3. Lynn Jenks August 21, 2023 at 10:47 am - Reply

    Does anyone else think that Starmer is a tory plant, put in place to destroy the Labour Party? He’s certainly doing a very good job at finishing any hopes we have of any real opposition to the advance of right-wing extremism.

    • Martyn Meacham August 21, 2023 at 10:13 pm - Reply

      Why are otherwise decent people still voting for the zionist bribed, liar, fraud, deceiver, traitor, Starmer and his self serving nest of snakes? They are as bad, if not worse than the tories!

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