Are we ignoring the dangerous effects of Long Covid?

Rampant: the Covid-19 virus is once again on the loose across the UK because the Tories haven’t just lost control; they’ve deliberately thrown it away.
Apparently we should be concerned about excess mortality and declining life expectancy, in young people, that is attributable to Covid-19.
This is to do with Long Covid; apparently there may be a large number of youngsters disabled by Covid, or suffering vascular disease, or dying, in the months after suffering acute Covid.
Here’s epidemiologist Colin Furness:
Until Omicron, our frame was a respiratory virus that infected & killed rapidly.
Low population immunity and limited understanding of what the virus does to the body, meant that incidence rate, ICU capacity, and deaths told us when things were better or worse.
Not now.
— Colin Furness MISt PhD MPH (@FurnessColin) December 17, 2023
By reporting deaths and hospitalizations data, COVID continues to get framed as a problem only for really vulnerable people. "Just like flu". :(
So, no masking, no precautions, low XBB vaccination, and no thoughts about COVID harms. Politicians may like this but I don't.
— Colin Furness MISt PhD MPH (@FurnessColin) December 17, 2023
Who is going bother with indoor air quality when the media focuses on what COVID isn't doing, instead of talking about what it IS doing?
There is a lot of Long COVID research coming out. Don't let it gather dust on the shelf. This is too important to be incurious.
— Colin Furness MISt PhD MPH (@FurnessColin) December 17, 2023
It’s an interesting question because This Writer doesn’t think it has been asked: what is Covid-19 doing to us now?
And will we be able to find out?
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It’s not ‘we are ignoring the dangerous effects of long covid’ but fact the fascist tories are ignoring this public health disaster because it isn’t in their interests to investigate ‘this hidden epidemic!’
Fascist tories have never put the health and well being of us ordinary citizens first because their sole focus has always been on ‘how we fascist tories can further exploit/dehumanise and blame those lazy plebs!’ So life expectancy is being reduced but hey it only affects certain groups of people – not the wealthy fascist tories!
Anyone suffering from long covid is according to the fascist tories – ‘a lazy scrounger who fakes their disabilities and must be forced to work for a pittance because this is how the fascist tories increase their wealth and power!
ACTUAL science is the very antithesis of ‘Follow the Science’ – the ‘WE know best’ syndrome; science does not work that way!
“Are we ignoring the dangerous effects of Long Covid?” – or the dangerous effects of the ‘vaccines’ (which, in the case of Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna mRNA ‘vaccines’, are not, strictly speaking, vaccines at all)! WHY are we supposed to take as gospel the words of the disciples of the (now thoroughly discredited) Fauci et al and IGNORE the words of some of the up-to-now most respected medics, biochemists, epidemiologists, pathologists etc in their respective fields? Or don’t you think this is a fair question?
I’m a (retired) scientist – specifically qualified in geology, philosophy and analytical chemistry – and BASIC non-subject specific scientific principles (following science, not ‘THE SCIENCE’ – copyright Fauci) – led me right at the start of this farrago to be very suspicious of the official line, which simply DID NOT MAKE SENSE! Also, you know what they say about ‘follow the money’. Masks against viruses? Baloney! And all the rest. Utterly twisted statistics treated as gospel. There have been so many blatant lies pumped out as propaganda. The ‘wet market’ origin for starters! Again that simply made no sense whatsoever to any sort of critical thinker.
No, I am not saying COVID isn’t dangerous – to the very elderly, those with co-morbidities, those with compromised immune systems. Look at the actual figures – before they have been massaged by statisticians with a stake in the game. Look at the current death rates NOT attributable (however hard they try) to COVID. The whole saga has been and still is a copybook example of the world-wide power of Orwell’s ‘Ministry of Truth’.
Are you open-minded enough to post this, Mike?
No reaction to my attempted comments. I’m disappointed in you, Mike.
I have a backlog of comments and am working back through them now. Complaining about me not seeing or responding to particular comments generally encourages me to put them at the bottom of the pile.