Was this the best moment of the election so far?

Before you vote Labour, remember whose MPs helped keep the Tories in power

Keir Starmer: friend to Tories. He and his right-wing LINO (Labour In Name Only) party cronies helped prop up the Tories when their own party had a leader they didn’t like – plummetting the UK into twice as long a period of Tory mis-government as we should have had. They are just as much to blame for the UK’s decline as Rishi Sunak.

With Labour 20 points ahead in the opinion polls, pundits are predicting a landslide victory in the next general election (on October 17, if you believe the latest speculation).

But that all depends on public perception of the Labour Party and its representatives.

So perhaps its time to remember, if you think the Tory government has been so bad, that Labour MPs helped keep the Tories in power.

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Remember when Jeremy Corbyn was in charge of Labour and there was a huge movement spearheaded by right-wingers in the party to smear him as an anti-Semite and a supporter of Jew-haters? Remember how these claims were utterly false?

Here’s one of them (the one on the left in the image below – Ian Austin). Along with John Woodcock (the one on the right), he now sits in the House of Lords after being put there by then-Tory PM Boris Johnson; Austin was rewarded for stabbing Corbyn in the back while Woodcock was rewarded for supporting Johnson’s Brexit:

And what about Lisa Nandy?

They are just some of the Labour (and formerly-Labour) right-wingers who hated the idea of a transformative government led by Jeremy Corbyn so much that they actively sabotaged their party’s chances of winning a general election and condemned the UK to twice as many years of Tory government as we had any right to expect.

And now they are planning to form a continuity-Tory government, Labour In Name Only, while gaslighting the public into thinking they are going to be different.

Don’t be fooled. Don’t give them your vote. Check the handy tool here to find out who, in your constituency, has policies that you can actually support.

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