Tory data scrape scam: beware of their fake driving fines!

The Conservatives are trying to get Londoners to hand over their personal details via a fraudulent campaign leaflet posing as a ‘driving fine’.

Here are the details, courtesy of Another Angry Voice:

The leaflets have been designed to scare people into giving away their personal details to a Tory data scraping operation.

Anyone who is tricked into scanning the QR code is taken to a Tory websitethat falsely claims that Sadiq Khan is going to impose a pay-per-mile charge on London drivers, before insisting that it’s possible to “send a message to the mayor” by handing over personal details to the Tory election campaign.

The central claim that Sadiq Khan is planning to bring in pay-per-mile charges is an outright lie, and the leaflets only mention the Tory mayoral candidate Susan Hall in the small print on the reverse side of the leaflet.

This profoundly deceptive and dishonest leafleting campaign is clearly designed to trick vulnerable people.

The article goes on to say that the Electoral Commission is afraid to challenge the Tories, for fear that it will be abolished in an act of revenge – that’s why the 88% false Tory general election campaign of 2019 went unpunished.

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It calls for much stronger rules on political campaigning – especially online.

But it admits that there is absolutely no incentive for politicians to introduce a system that stops them from misleading the public, if the lies will get people to vote for them.

It concludes:

Given the pathetic impotence of the Electoral Commission, and the unlikelihood of Keir Starmer bringing in new rules to prevent himself from deceiving the public even more than he already has, the best we can hope to do is warn people about these dirty Tory tactics, and hope that our vulnerable relatives don’t fall for such cynical Tory trickery and lies.

Consider yourselves warned.

Source: Why are they allowed to get away with it?

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