Julian Assange MAY challenge his extradition to the US

Julian Assange MAY challenge his extradition to the US

Wikileaks founder Julian Assange challenge his extradition to the US, the High Court has ruled.

Mr Assange was granted permission to appeal against an order that he be sent to the US to stand trial for leaking military secrets this morning (Monday, May 20, 2024).

He will be able to challenge US assurances over how his prospective trial would be conducted and whether his right to free speech as an Australian citizen would be infringed. He will be allowed several months to prepare his appeal.

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Mr Assange has resisted extradition from the UK for more than a decade, after his Wikileaks website published thousands of confidential US documents in 2010 and 2011.

He says he revealed war crimes by the US in files that suggested the US military had killed civilians in unreported incidents during the war in Afghanistan. Prosecutors argue that the revelations endangered lives by failing to redact the names of intelligence operatives – but his lawyers have claimed that this is a politically-motivated form of state retaliation.

Separately, last month US President Joe Biden said he was considering a request from Australia to stop Mr Assange’s prosecution and return him to that country.

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