People are so sick of Labour that Wes Streeting could lose to Leanne Mohamad

People are so sick of Labour that Wes Streeting could lose to Leanne Mohamad

People are so sick of Labour that Wes Streeting could lose to Leanne Mohamad in Ilford North – where canvasser for the Independent candidate are having to wear distinct identification showing they are not from the shadow health secretary’s party in order to get residents to open their front doors.

Ms Mohamad has more policies than demanding justice for the people of Gaza – but it is the genocide that has cut through with voters; they don’t want to support Labour, which they see as “the genocide party”.

Here’s a video clip showing what Leanne Mohamad is about: advocating for the issues that people care about and representing constituents, not the interests of a political party:

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  1. Claire July 1, 2024 at 9:25 am - Reply

    She has refused to condemn rape and murder by Hamas on Oct 7 instead put out a tweet supporting the genocide that happened that day (and only deleted it after pressure) – this is not someone who care about other people.

    • Mike Sivier July 1, 2024 at 2:32 pm - Reply

      I’m not sure I believe you – mostly because you refer to “rape” and murder by Hamas on October 7 last year. Wasn’t that all disproved after Israeli authorities came out with it?

      It’s like when the Israeli government was talking up alleged mistreatment of the hostages taken on that day – that they were being subjected (again) to rape on a regular basis. Then some of them were released and could only praise their captors for the high quality of the conditions in which they were kept.

      It may be that she has refused to make condemnations based on false claims by Israeli spokespeople and their supporters.

      You also say she tweeted in support of “the genocide that happened that day” – but no genocide happened in Israel on October 7 last year, so it would be impossible to tweet in support of such an event.

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