Vox Political agrees with Piers Morgan (SHOCK!): Vote today!

Vox Political agrees with Piers Morgan (SHOCK!): Vote today!

Wonders never cease. Vox Political agrees with Piers Morgan (SHOCK!): Vote today!

He has said something This Writer has been trying to tell people for years.

It is this: “If you don’t vote, you have no right to moan, bleat, whine or chunter about the way this country is run. So, get down to your local polling station and VOTE.”

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I have run into the odd cantankerous soul who has responded that they feel justified in whining and chuntering because they’re stuck in the society that results, whether they want to be or not. But, to me, this is just supporting my point that it is better to be a participant in society than a victim of it – through taxation, for example.

The other oft-quoted argument is that one person’s vote won’t make any difference. But this is also nonsense. In 2019, around one-third of the electorate did not vote – presumably because they thought the result was a foregone conclusion. Can you imagine what a difference they might have made if they had voted, against the Tories?

So on this polling day, my own advice remains the same as it has been since before the election was announced: use your head and vote with your heart.

That means: do your research on the policies offered by the candidates (I hope you’ve done this already) – and then support whoever offers the most benefit for you, personally.

It’s up to you.

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One Comment

  1. El Dee July 4, 2024 at 5:05 pm - Reply

    This year, prior to the election, I read the South African submission to the ICJ. For the second election in a row (I’ve been voting since the 80s) I’ve read the party’s manifestos and back at IndyRef I read the entire White Paper and fact checked it. Discussing these matters today with a family member they admitted they have never done any of these and don’t plan on doing so.

    Most rely on soundbites with a VERY few listening to the VERY edited highlights of the manifestos from what passes for journalism on TV these days. In reality people will probably vote for a ‘red one’ because, ‘well, we’ve had a blue one for aaages’ Politicians are happy with this level of engagement because it’s easy to manage. They aren’t serious about affecting real change, only the acquisition and retention of power..

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