FO diplomat quits accusing govt of complicity in Gaza genocide

FO diplomat quits accusing govt of complicity in Gaza genocide – MSM ignore | SKWAWKBOX

For those of you who doubt that the mainstream news media pick and choose the stories they feed to us – read this:

Foreign Office (FCDO) diplomat Mark Smith – an expert in arms licensing and sales – has resigned from his role saying he cannot serve in a department he thinks is complicit in ‘unquestionable’ war crimes and which has both covered-up Israel’s unfitness to receive UK weapons and ignored his attempts to blow the whistle on it. Smith wrote:

“I can no longer carry out my duties in the knowledge that this Department may be complicit in War Crimes.

“Each day we witness clear and unquestionable examples of War Crimes and breaches of International Humanitarian Law in Gaza perpetrated by the State of Israel.

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“There is no justification for the UK’s continued arms sales to Israel yet somehow it continues. I have raised this at every level in the organisation including through an official whistle blowing investigation and received nothing more than “thank you we have noted your concerns”.

“Ministers claim that the UK has one of the most “robust and transparent” arms export licensing regimes in the world, however this is the opposite of the truth. As a fully cleared officer raising serious concerns of illegality in this Department, to be disregarded in this way is deeply troubling.

“It is my duty as a public servant to raise this.”

Despite the explosive nature of Smith’s resignation, the UK ‘mainstream’ media appear to be ignoring it. A search for news about him reveals no ‘mainstream’ coverage.

Source: Foreign Office diplomat resigns accusing govt of complicity in Gaza genocide – MSM ignore – SKWAWKBOX

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  1. Jeffrey Davies August 18, 2024 at 3:51 pm - Reply

    these creatures in power haven’t any compassion one. bit they are puppets of the money men until the peasants realise it can b a better world without these creatures they need to rise up and show them no more

  2. El Dee August 22, 2024 at 1:41 pm - Reply

    Throughout most of the world (with the US being the outlier) the public are calling this genocide and would like to see it end, at least. Meanwhile, for some reason, our leaders ignore their colleagues, their party members, voters and the public at large to continue to keep their eyes closed.

    This is Palestine’s ‘George Floyd’ moment. The world can see EXACTLY what’s going on, it has now become acquainted (probably for the first time) with what has been going on for many years. They demand change and in Floyd’s case there was some minimal change, at least lip service, but for Palestinians there won’t be – the genocide will continue and this country will continue to be complicit..

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