Are independent journalists being quietly purged?

Are independent journalists being quietly purged?

So much for free speech in the UK – are independent journalists being quietly purged?

This Writer received the following from a Facebook friend:

So YouTube shuts down Electronic Intifada and demonetises Richard Medhurst (now alive and kicking on Rumble. after his recent arrest by state thugs) whilst PayPal arbitrarily cancelled the subscription of Media Lens and Craig Murray, who very wisely has scarpered to Greece – wonder if they’ll arrest him there.

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Meanwhile FB has deleted a Double Down News report by Peter Oborne about horrific Israeli torture of Palestinian prisoners on the specious basis that it contravenes community guidelines (“celebrating” graphic violence) which of course it doesn’t.

It is beginning to look as though the only really safe havens are Rumble and Substack.

It’s beginning to look as though there aren’t any safe havens for independent political journalism left in the UK!

Mr Murray [pictured] confirmed what had happened, posting on X (formerly Twitter):

As I write this, it seems he is on his way to Geneva where tomorrow, with the afore-mentioned Richard Medhurst, he is addressing a UN Human Rights Council meeting on abuse of counter-terrorism legislation against journalists and democratic activists.

It doesn’t feel safe here anymore. How’s that poem start again? “First they came for…”

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