How do we stop Liz Kendall talking rubbish about benefits and the people who claim them? Is it even possible?

How do we stop Liz Kendall talking rubbish about benefits?

How do we stop Liz Kendall talking rubbish about benefits and the people who rely on them, and get the facts of the UK’s current benefit bill out to the public.

Only this week, she was on TV spouting some nonsense about disabled people being desperate to work, to improve their standard of living. She was really only demonstrating that those who can work, do – meaning those who rely on benefits really need them. Props to Saul Staniforth for correcting the record:

The simple fact is that while there is some fraud in the system (none of it in disability benefits, where the government is simply attacking the most vulnerable people who will offer the least resistance), most people on benefits are there for very good reasons.

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She is yet another government minister who simply doesn’t understand her brief.

If she really wants to get people off-benefit, she needs to understand the reasons they need it in the first place.

She needs to work with the Department of Health and Social Care to tackle failings in the health service that create long-term illnesses and fail to support people with disabilities.

She needs to demand better working conditions from employers, so employees’ health does not suffer due to having to work too many hours, or to uncertainty about the future, or any number of other factors that could be mitigated if only the government stood up to the greedy fatcats who exploit those of us who can’t demand better conditions from a position of power.

She needs to stand up for the people who elected her.

Sadly, it seems she’ll never do it because – unlike the disabled people she is persecuting – she doesn’t have a backbone.

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One Comment

  1. Jeffrey Davies February 1, 2025 at 6:26 am - Reply

    these politicians are like those on benefits themselves on it but they get it more than poor can history repeating itself they learned of the best of these bringing back aktion t4 doesn’t mean much to those who don’t feel it but by god they brought a similar program out it’s culling the sick disabled and the mentally ill. open your eyes before it catches you all sore in it’s clutches

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