If you were fooled by Brexiteer promises, the latest revelations will upset you

Last Updated: September 6, 2017By Tags: , , ,

[Image: PA.]

Remember when the Vote Leave campaign said, “After we Vote Leave, we would immediately be able to start negotiating new trade deals with emerging economies and the world’s biggest economies… which could enter into force immediately after the UK leaves the EU”?

It was stated on a Vote Leave press release dated June 15, 2016, a matter of days before the EU referendum last year.

Well, if you based your ‘Leave’ vote on that promise, be prepared for disappointment:

A senior Government source admitted the UK lacks the “capacity” to strike dozens of new trade deals.

A senior source at the Department for International Trade confessed: “We can’t do 40 FTAs (free trade agreements), we haven’t got the capacity to do that.”

Ministers want a string of “copy and paste” pacts in the wake of quitting the EU – scotching Brexiteers’ campaign claims that leaving the bloc would free the UK to sign its own agreements.

(Source: Britain “hasn’t got the capacity” to strike free trade deals Brexiteers promised, admits senior Government source)

Worse still is the announcement that arguments – sorry, negotiations – over the cost of leaving the EU may continue for another year. Meanwhile, everything else is on hold – including discussion of new trade deals:

Crunch talks about Britain’s Brexit divorce bill could drag on for another year, David Davis admitted.

The Brexit Secretary feared haggling over the crucial invoice for quitting – which some have estimated at 100billion euros – would overshadow the negotiations.

Updating MPs, he said: “My expectation is that the money argument will go on for the full duration of the negotiation.

“The famous European line ‘nothing is agreed until everything is agreed’ will apply here, absolutely.”

(Source: Tory Brexit chief David Davis admits divorce bill talks could drag on for another YEAR)

Oh, and by the way, Jeremy Corbyn has told Labour MPs to vote against the so-called “Great Repeal Bill” (in reality nothing of the sort, and recently renamed the EU Withdrawal Bill, which is still a misnomer), to prevent the minority Conservative government from taking on powers that will make it unaccountable to Parliament.

That’s a good reason, you know. Here are the details:

Jeremy Corbyn will order his MPs to oppose Tory plans for quitting the EU by dodging parliamentary scrutiny under “Henry VIII powers”.

The showdown will provide a test for Mrs May’s authority at a crunch Commons vote on Monday night.

A Labour spokesman said: “As democrats we cannot vote for a Bill that unamended would let Government ministers grab powers from Parliament to slash people’s rights at work and reduce protection for consumers and the environment.

(Source: Jeremy Corbyn orders Labour MPs to vote against Brexit Repeal Bill in bid to block Tory power grab)

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  1. J Edington September 6, 2017 at 11:10 am - Reply

    It will be interesting to see how the 13 Scottish Tory MPs and the 12 DUP Tory pals vote on this, since much of the power grab is on devolved issues. Will they kowtow to May or stand up for their constituents. I suspect I know the answer so I hope there are a few Tories who still believe in democracy as we knew it.

  2. Barry Davies September 6, 2017 at 11:25 am - Reply

    So we are still using the incorrect term divorce bill which essentially is an illegal claim for money by the eu, nothing new there then, the great repeal bill is to be able to extricate ourselves from the laws which are part of being in the eu the idea that the the workers rights will be further slashed, from what they were before we joined the then named common market, is rather strange as most of the eu rights were in our country before we joined and they adopted them from us, although very watered down which has lead to our losing rights for the last 44 years.

    • Mike Sivier September 7, 2017 at 6:41 pm - Reply

      No, “Divorce Bill” is shorthand for the amount the UK legitimately owes the EU. Unfortunately the Tories are trying to get out of paying because they’re overprivileged toffs who think the world owes them for living in it.
      The ‘Great Repeal Bill’ is intended to extricate Tory businesspeople from any and all obligations to their workforce regarding, health, safety and pay. Your claim about rights being safe because they were in UK law before we joined the EU is invalid because we have an extremely right-wing, neoliberal, minority Tory government now (and didn’t then), that is determined to destroy all workers’ rights and reduce the workforce to absolute poverty, if not slavery.
      Take a good, hard look at Theresa May, David Davis, Boris Johnson, Liam Fox and the rest of them. These people want everything you have – not to enrich themselves, but to impoverish you.

  3. rotzeichen September 6, 2017 at 11:48 am - Reply

    The EU debate is a total distraction from what is happening globally.

    Whilst we are involved in a dead end debate that the Tories want to scupper and then blame Europe is all going neatly to plan and as ever people are losing sight of the real objective, the dismantling of our state and the transfer of wealth and power into the hands of international corporations. In short people are being duped into believing that Europe matters, whilst we of course need to exit Europe with as little damage to our economy as possible, in effect we are a net importer not exporter, and so these so called trade deals for us are meaningless.

    The U.S. has been jogging around the world setting up deals that benefit large American corporations and no one else. It really is time people woke up.

    We don’t need trade deals we need to take control of our own economy so that we import less from abroad and concentrate on meeting the needs of people.

    • Mike Sivier September 7, 2017 at 6:37 pm - Reply

      So in fact, LESS free trade?
      You might have something there.
      (Cue calls of ‘Protectionism!’ from the free trade lobbyists.)

  4. NMac September 7, 2017 at 10:50 am - Reply

    The “Leave” campaign was the biggest fraud ever perpetrated on a whole nation, by a small cabal of nasty, dishonest right-wing xenophobes.

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