Call for urgent inquiry into ‘covert surveillance’ in benefit assessments | Disability News Service

I know: one article has the DWP doing something right; the next has it mistreating claimants. That’s Tory government for you.
This is not the same as the plan to record benefit assessments.
I just wanted to put that right at the top.
Here’s what it is about:
MPs are calling for an urgent government investigation into the use of “covert surveillance” of disabled people by the private sector companies paid to assess eligibility for disability benefits.
It comes in a report by the Commons work and pensions committee, following its lengthy inquiry into the assessment system.
The committee received anonymous accounts from disabled people claiming they had been “tricked or tested” by their assessors.
These included claimants who were made to park further away than necessary from the assessment centre to check how far they could walk, and lifts being placed out of order to force claimants to climb the stairs.
DWP told the committee that it has no policy that allows assessment providers Atos, Capita and Maximus to engage in “covert surveillance”.
But DWP guidance does allow assessors to make “informal observations” to check if there are any “discrepancies between the reported need and the actual needs of the claimant”.
In other words, it seems the private firms contracted to assess benefit entitlement are deliberately trying to create traps for benefit claimants, and watching them to see if they fall in.
Is it fair? No.
It’s like the old “ducking-stool” method of determining if someone is a witch: if the claimant manages to attend the assessment, they’re not disabled enough, but if they don’t, they clearly don’t want to continue with their claim.
Vile trickery.
Ask yourself: would you be happy for government employees to covertly monitor your movements on the pretext that you might be lying to them about some aspect of your life?
These are the people who make a fuss about the “nanny state” – but isn’t that what this is all about – taking a supervisory position over you and punishing you for assumed transgressions?
Why do they do it? To meet targets of benefit rejection, set by the government?
That has to be unethical; immoral.
No government employee involved in benefit assessment should be acting in such a manner.
So let’s have that inquiry – as soon as possible (I bet we don’t get it).
Source: Call for urgent inquiry into ‘covert surveillance’ in benefit assessments – Disability News Service
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Oh dear haven’t we been here before how quaint are our MPs government they been told far back even 2011 when the crap started getting heavyer with them but to rid ourselves of crapita maximus atos isn’t going to happen anytime soon