Liam Fox wants to kick 500,000 Indians and Pakistanis off the electoral register – Mark Pack

Liam Fox: Last year he was targeting pensioners; now he’s after ethnic minorities. Who next – gypsies and Jews (Iain Duncan Smith already has the sick and disabled covered)?
The Times has… reported what Liam Fox and Conservative colleagues want to do”, writes Liberal Democrat PR man Mark Pack:
“Under an obscure law that has never been reformed, people from Ireland and the Commonwealth who live in the UK are given voting rights. Irish, Indian and Pakistani citizens top the list of those allowed to cast a vote…
“Some Conservatives believe that the number of voters from ethnic minorities included in the list will provide a boost to Labour. The previous election showed that Labour was far more successful in winning the votes of those from ethnic minorities…
“Liam Fox, the former defence secretary, said: ‘It is ridiculous that the government of a country like ours could be decided by those who are not British citizens. It is high time we brought this law up to date.'”
The rest of the article is on Mr Pack’s own site.
Let’s hope those of minority ethnic backgrounds, living in the UK, get the message:
Conservatives don’t want your vote.
Like UKIP, they want to deport you.
They’ll say it’s “fair” that you don’t get a say in who governs the country where you live.
In that case, would you say it’s “fair” that you’ve been paying taxes for the last five years of Conservative-led rule?
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The Nasty people from the Nasty Party providing yet another reminder why they are known, even to some of their own supporters, as the Nasty party.
Cant wait to hear this one; on the main news and media press.?
hope you’re not hanging on the edge of a cliff——–and don’t hold your breath lol
Mıke – I have read the piece by Mark Pack but can find no reference to or indeed use of the word “deportation” and I am sure you will agree there is a big difference between being denied the vote and being deported.
I also read some of the comments on his pıece and one stated that it had been confirmed to him or her that thıs was not Conservative policy, had been the subject of an amendment and defeated by 475 votes. I cannot confırm that but perhaps you ot other commenters can?
Did I say there was any reference to or use of the word “deportation” in the words quoted by Mr Pack? No I didn’t.
Did I say Mr Fox’s words referred to Conservative policy? No I didn’t.
No, Mike you did not say there was any reference to the word deportation by Pack …..but you used ıt and I am commenting on your blog not his.
I never said you or Pack stated it was Conservatıve policy but pointed out that ıt was claimed elsewhere that it was not and, as you can see from the comment by Nedıl Mac, for example,there are some who may not be aware of that..
So you are complaining about my statements of opinion, based on the facts that were presented, about Mr Fox?
Are you trying to stifle my right to free speech? That’s a very dangerous position to take, after the Charlie Hebdo incident.
No I am not complaining simply pointing out that I disagree with your interpretation of what Liam Fox is reported to have said as I can see no evıdence to support your claim
No, I am not attempting to stifle your right to freedom of speech – such a suggestion is really rather absurd.
The Charlie Hebdo tragedy has nothing to do with it and I am both surprised and disappoınted that you should even think to introduce it.
Comment is surely justifiable but terrorism can never be.
It wasn’t an interpretation of what he reportedly said; it was an opinion about Liam Fox. There’s quite a big difference right there.
By raising an issue with that opinion, I think you were attacking my right to free speech. You didn’t like my opinion so you tried to claim that I was lying about what had been said (as anyone can see by following this comment thread). So my assertion about free speech is not an absurd suggestion at all – you’re just backpedalling because your real intent has been revealed. The Charlie Hebdo reference was appropriate as it is a topical reference that is pertinent to what you were trying to do.
Now you’re just being silly, Mike. Your article is about Liam Fox’s remarks about non-British residents being allowed to vote and you say quite clearly that it gives the message: ‘Conservatives don’t want your vote. Like UKIP, they want to deport you’. Andy is perfectly right that nowhere in Liam Fox’s statement does he say he wants to deport anybody. It’s a reach and, in my opinion, a reach too far.
Andy disagrees with you (as do I). He is not, and neither am I, attacking your right to free speech, for goodness’ sake! Freedom of speech is the liberty to say whatever you like, not a freedom from criticism if you leapt to an ill-thought out conclusion based on no actual evidence.
By the way, I have the misfortune to have Liam Fox as my MP and would much rather this was not the case. I certainly shan’t be voting for him, nor would I vote for any of his ilk. He is a cretin, but not quite cretinous enough to call for the deportation of people from a minority ethnic background.
You’re as entitled to your opinion as I am to mine.
Andy was attacking my right to state it. He was doing so under the pretence that I was being factually inaccurate, rather than stating an opinion, which isn’t true.
Thank you, Peeve, for supporting my opinion.
I’ve deleted your two further comments as they added nothing to the discussion – which is now closed. You’ll just have to agree that we differ.
260 years to get the Universal Suffrage that we have had now since 1949 and these Tories are looking to start messing with it. Obviously in their self-interest. Must be frightened of something. Look out “poor” people we’ll be next. If you’re not a rich Tory voter you don’t get a vote !!! Revolution anybody?
Does anyone remember in the British version of House of Cards – probably in the second series, when it was called something else – Francis Urquhart being congratulated by one of his juniors for managing to remove the vote from the poor? I can’t remember if it was because they were unwaged or what the excuse was – perhaps somebody could remind us all?
I see would he give up a arm a leg or his life for a country he didnt .now
yet these indians grandparents fought side by side through wars now their
offspring’s he want s to cast aside whot a human whot bravado isnt it the
tories couldn’t careless only about themselves a party of outright greed
Wow, what an idiot. If they ever do that there will be Riots. No doubt about it. I’m in Bradford and I know for a fact the ethnic minorities in this city would not take it lying down. And in any case, most of the Pakistanis here have dual citizenship, going back to the Mipur dam. And Indians have been here for donkeys years, worked here there whole lives, even served in the British army. Not to mention all the infrastructure jobs they do or have done – NHS, Transport, Manufacturing, etc. I want Liam Fox deporting to Mars forthwith.
So at least some Tories (not all Tories, or even most Tories) are racist as well. If we don’t get rid of the Tories in 2015, they’ll destroy our NHS, our free speech, and what remains of equality under the law.
Benefits claimants will be next on the Tory hit list for disenfranchisement.
No – because Iain Duncan Smith already has them lined up for termination by chequebook euthanasia, it seems.
Benefit Claimants will be next? They’re probably on with secretly installing ‘showers’ at Work Programme Providers as we speak!
Maybe they will employ Siemens, the original architects of the gas chambers in Auschwitz!
Joanna May, ATOS merged with Siemens back in December 2010.
Funny, Tony – your comment is timed at 11.54am but Mike told me at 11.11am that the discussion was now closed..and he accused me of trying to stifle free speech…interestıng.
The discussion on your claim about my opinion was indeed closed. Other discussion raised by the article may continue.
Be warned, Andy – you are fast becoming an annoyance. What was the information value of your last few contributions? Nothing. Continue this way and I’ll stop approving your comments.
And maybe the work programme bosses will have uniforms designed by Hugo Boss, original designers of the SS uniforms.