Here’s why the Edward Heath paedophilia investigation was important

The late Edward Heath [Image: BBC].

David Hencke has been reporting on paedophilia investigations for many years now, and This Writer trusts his judgement.

In his article, excerpted below, he discusses the report by Wiltshire Police on allegations against the late prime minister Edward Heath – coming down in support of the investigation and its findings. Read the article for more details.

I would be interested to know what Mr Hencke thinks of Wiltshire Chief Constable Mike Veale’s call for an inquiry into a possible Westminster paedophile ring – and whether serious questions should be asked about the allegation that the’Establishment’ tried to stop Operation Conifer.

ADDITIONAL: Mr Hencke has responded to this article as follows:

The long awaited Operation Conifer report by Wiltshire Police into allegations against the former late Prime Minister Edward Heath sums up the dilemmas investigating historic child sex abuse when the alleged perpetrator is now dead.

Wiltshire Police have been attacked for spending public money investigating these claims and as a result damaging the reputation of a very prominent public figure when he can’t answer back.

In my view they were completely right to do so because of the number of people who came forward making these allegations. To refuse to do so would amount to complicity in a further cover up of these allegations and to assume that all the people who made them were liars without examining any of the facts.

What this report doesn’t do is lift the lid on the alleged Westminster paedophile scandal and change the direction of the inquiry. Rather it adds to the whole problem of not proven allegations and how to balance how much and what should be investigated. It rather leaves some matters in limbo. I notice with great interest that Wiltshire Police did appoint an independent scrutiny panel to oversee their investigation – which should stop people accusing the police of time wasting – and they fully support they way Wiltshire went about it.

But I entirely reject the idea that we need another judicial review after such a meticulous investigation. That would be a waste of public money.

Source: Sir Edward Heath: Paedophile or No Paedophile? | David Hencke

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  1. NMac October 10, 2017 at 7:54 am - Reply

    It is vitally important that these people, dead or alive, are investigated and exposed for the evil people they are. They have been using their power and position to seriously abuse young people.

  2. Roland Laycock October 10, 2017 at 9:42 am - Reply

    The legal system is run by the Tories so nothing will every happen these type of things come and go and nothing is done just look at Jill Dando, Dr Kelly the list could go on and on the country is rotten to the core from the Royals to the Politicians to the Church there all the same

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