Tories want to hire a new ‘head of pandemic preparedness’ – after they axed the old systems for doing that

Head of Pandemic Un-preparedness: Boris Johnson’s reaction to Covid-19 was so poor that he actually caught the disease himself and then sent us all letters, claiming to provide advice on how not to do the same.
The Tories have been accused of closing the barn door after the horse has bolted, after they advertised for a new ‘head of pandemic preparedness’ six months into the Covid crisis.
But the facts are actually worse than that.
The idea is to pay someone £61,000 a year to “learn the lessons” (how many times have we heard that?) from the crisis and ensure the UK is properly prepared for any similar situation in the future.
And yes, it is too late for all that.
But the reason it’s too late is that the Tories spent the last 10 years dismantling the UK’s system of preparation for any pandemic disease.
I wrote about this back in March so perhaps people have forgotten. Here’s the gist:
The UK government has strategies for dealing with events like this. The Cabinet Office keeps a National Risk Register of Civil Emergencies which it must keep up-to-date – and every single copy of this document ever made lists “pandemic flu” as the most probable and devastating threat to the UK.
This means the government has devised strategies to deal with such a threat. The problem is, they are all out of date.
Oldest of them all is the guide to dealing with the fatalities of the pandemic, last published in 2008. This has never been updated since the Conservatives took over responsibility for it.
The last strategy written specifically to deal with pandemic flu was published in 2011 – the same year David Cameron’s Conservative-led Coalition government closed the dedicated government Pandemic Influenza Preparedness Team based in the Department of Health, which was tasked with tackling this type of crisis.
It may explain much that the government’s UK Pandemic Influenza Communications Strategy, the crucial document for getting the right messages across to the public, was written in 2012 and is now wildly inaccurate in its assumptions about how and where people get their information.
In October 2016, David Cameron’s now wholly-Conservative government carried out an exercise to estimate the impact of a hypothetical influenza pandemic on the United Kingdom. Exercise Cygnus showed that such a pandemic would cause the country’s health system to collapse, due to a lack of resources.
The Chief Medical Officer of the time said that a lack of medical ventilators was a serious problem that should be rectified, but in 2017 this advice was ignored by the Department of Health under Jeremy Hunt – because it would cost too much. The government was committed to austerity policies, remember.
So you see, we used to have whole teams dedicated to ensuring that the UK could weather a pandemic without serious harm to the population.
And the Tories got rid of the lot.
And now they want to replace them with a single person.
So let’s float a wild theory.
Is it possible that the Tories knew a pandemic like Covid-19 could cause huge numbers of unnecessary deaths, and decided to allow it to happen?
I’ll answer that for you: we know it is because it is exactly what Boris Johnson advocated on live television in early March.
Is it possible that all their decisions since then have been dedicated to this end, rather than towards saving people’s lives, and this is why every single strategy they have started has been a dismal failure?
And, in line with this thinking…
Is it possible that this position will be nothing more than a “figurehead” role, to be quietly dissolved after a few years so we can all fall victim to the next viral disaster?
Source: Government to hire ‘Head of Pandemic Preparedness’ six months into Covid-19 crisis – Mirror Online
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Probably a job with a nice salary for someone’s mate.
Totally clueless bunch of lacklustre Tory boys. Head of Pandemic Preparedness? Sounds like none of them learnt diddly squat from everything that has happened under their leadership. The famous statement after all failures “we must learn from this or that disaster” swiftly followed by absolutely nothing ever happening. We mere mortal s then just wait for the next inevitable repeat disaster eg not immediately removing dangerous cladding from high rise tower blocks. Actually £61k does not sound as if they truly want to success with this appointment more creation of a disposable fall guy/gal when they screw up again. With all the millions of dosh they are bunging around to their Tory chums track and never trace, PPE contracts with fly by nights who never deliver, this salary will not attract anyone with any true professional knowledge, integrity or expertise to deliver such a huge never ending remit… would such a lowly paid person command respect from many superiors handling far more key critical divisions and worse trying to deal with these same so called superiors when they repeat their same disasters and mistakes. I despair at their incompetence bought on by their allegiance to the Globalist agenda and masters.