Here’s how Keir Starmer pushed the Labour Party into (un)civil war – in tweets

Keir Starmer: it’s not a real war – and he’s certainly not the man to lead one. But the harm he is doing to innocent Labour Party members with his high-handed diktats is certainly an atrocity.
We all know how this one started: Keir Starmer’s right-wing secretary David Evans suspended Jeremy Corbyn’s Labour membership after the former Labour leader provided a perfectly reasonable opinion on the EHRC report into anti-Semitism in the party.
The Equality and Human Rights Commission had been tasked with researching whether Labour was “institutionally anti-Semitic” after strident claims by groups claiming to speak for UK Jews, including the fake charity calling itself the Campaign Against Antisemitism.
It found no evidence to support that claim, but did say that there were historic cases in which the party had broken the law. In both cases, Labour had acted to rectify the breaches.
Corbyn, responding to the report, said it showed that claims of anti-Semitism in the party had been massively over-inflated. Starmer, responding to Corbyn, said there was no place in Labour for people who downplayed the seriousness of the issue. Corbyn had not done this, but it seems Starmer then told Evans to suspend Corbyn’s membership and investigate him for breaches of party rules.
Two weeks later, a panel of Labour’s ruling NEC said Corbyn should be re-admitted to the party – so Starmer, in a fit of childish petulance, ruled that he could not have the Parliamentary whip restored.
This inflamed socialist Labour members in the constituencies, who had already been supporting motions to restore Corbyn’s party membership while it had been suspended. They expanded their activities to include demands for Corbyn’s reinstatement as a Labour MP, along with votes of ‘no confidence’ in Starmer and Evans.
In response, Starmer (through Evans) ordered that any such motions were not proper party business and that anybody speaking out against his policy on anti-Semitism or Corbyn, or demanding confidence votes against him, should face disciplinary action. This was to be enforced by the party’s regional offices.
This Writer has been following the scandal on Twitter, where people have been very free with their opinions. I had intended to public articles focusing on the new developments but they came so fast – at a time when I was having to deal with my own court case against the Labour Party – that I was unable to keep up.
I present the following in a (weak) attempt to catch up.
So, here’s Darran McLaughlin, a joint secretary of Bristol West Labour Party:
Labour South West Regional Office have just suspended the @bristolwestlab AGM which was taking place on Thursday, and suspended all CLP meetings until February. They have emailed our members, insinuating that our EC were not conducting themselves properly and have stated that
— Darran McLaughlin (@McDarran) November 24, 2020
This is an absolutely disgusting attack on one of the largest CLPs in the country, and it is part of a wider attack on the Labour Party membership and what they view as recalcitrant CLPs. I am utterly appalled by this behaviour, and the attempt to smear the reputations of our EC
— Darran McLaughlin (@McDarran) November 24, 2020
In response, Mr McLaughlin’s own party membership was suspended, along with that of Bristol West’s chairperson.
Meanwhile, actual complaints about anti-Semitism – the issue sparking the controversy – were being ignored:
Complained about experiencing antisemitism to @UKLabour a week ago.
Am still yet to have a reply, or even an acknowledgement.
This 'taking antisemitism seriously' is it?
— Kate 🚩 (@KateHicks99) November 24, 2020
Margaret Beckett was elected chair of the party’s newly-elected NEC – a hugely controversial move that prompted a walkout by left-wing members of the party’s ruling committee:
This response is typical of those I have seen:
Way past her sell by date, but just another RW fool, she was never a real socialist, more interested in her caravan holidays than socialism.
— Isobel_Waby we NEED a COALITION (@Isobel_waby) November 25, 2020
Some of the more experienced commentators saw these attacks on the left as expressions of Starmer’s failure to lead opposition to the Johnson government:
One new policy you’ve possibly overlooked Dev. Tearing up the rule book to accommodate Starmer’s continuous errors of judgement, or silencing CLPs, selecting NEC chairs, suspending the former party leader, bullying Young Labour…
— Rachael Swindon (@Rachael_Swindon) November 24, 2020
IMAGINE if Starmer’s real aim was to destroy the Labour Party as a party that could meaningfully compete for Govt and effect meaningful change?
He would be doing well, wouldn’t he?
— Tom London (@TomLondon6) November 24, 2020
Meanwhile, local Labour parties continued to rise up against Starmer:
At our AMM tonight we passed motions on:
🤝 Solidarity with @jeremycorbyn
👨⚖️ Reinstate the Whip to Jeremy Corbyn
🗣️ Right to Political Debate in CLPs
✊🏽 Solidarity with Young LabourYou can cut all the flowers, but you cannot stop spring from coming 🌹
— Harrow East Labour 🌹 (@harrowelabour) November 24, 2020
Proud of Pudsey CLP – passed a motion tonight calling on the Labour Party General Secretary to withdraw the gagging guidance to local parties which stifles debate and solidarity ✊🏻
— Jane Aitchison (@JaneAitchison) November 24, 2020
.@WestminsterCLP just voted to call on the General Secretary to withdraw his guidance restricting members' right to debate important internal matters & to call on the Leader to restore the whip to @jeremycorbyn!
— Momentum Westminster (@MomentumWestmin) November 24, 2020
… Along with trade unions:
Reports started to appear stating that Labour members were walking out of the party en masse in disgust at Starmer’s dictatorial attitude.
Starmer an utter disaster, Labour is Tory, LibDems are Tory, Tories are Tory, there is nothing to choose between any of them.. the man who destroyed Labour using Lies about remain is now yelling lets get Brexit Done, the sanctimonious hypocrite. we all knew he was.why Labour lost
— Isobel_Waby we NEED a COALITION (@Isobel_waby) November 25, 2020
I’d love a refund on my subs to the Labour Party . They were taken from me fraudulently as far as I’m concerned #labourleaks . Imagine if keeef had to refund us all .
— FLORRIE 🕊️ (@carmel_prescott) November 24, 2020
And the no-confidence votes continued to stack up:
Another vote of no confidence in Keir…
— Laura Alvarez (@LauraAlvarezJC) November 25, 2020
Another Labour Branch voted *no confidence* in Keir Starmer’s leadership last night.
Well done New Cross.
Just out of curiosity, do we know how many CLP’s and branches voted no confidence in Jeremy Corbyn’s leadership? #StarmerHasToGo
— Rachael Swindon (@Rachael_Swindon) November 25, 2020
The scandal affected Starmer’s ability to put across Labour messages:
The scale of Labour's anti-Semitism problem was dramatically overstated for political reasons by Corbyn's opponents inside and outside the party, as well as by much of the media.
Pass it on.
— Fanxxxxtastic-Trada (@Fanxxxxtastic) November 25, 2020
And its failure to grapple with the issues of the day was picked up by the commentatorati:
Another 608 Covid deaths were recorded today – and this stuff is the priority of the Labour leadership.
— Aaron Bastani (@AaronBastani) November 24, 2020
Starmer was accused of attacking free speech…
Keir Starmer accused of threatening free expression with ban on discussing Corbyn suspension
— Rachael Swindon (@Rachael_Swindon) November 25, 2020
… and local parties started expressing solidarity with their colleagues who had already been victimised by him:
On 19th November 2020 our General Committee passed the following motion by 94 to 35:
'Dulwich & West Norwood CLP states that we have no confidence in General Secretary David Evans and call for the NEC to take immediate steps to remove him from office'— DaWN Labour (@DaWNLabour) November 25, 2020
Dulwich & West Norwood CLP
– expresses solidarity with @jeremycorbyn
– calls on the NEC to instruct @Keir_Starmer to restore the parliamentary whip, end all political attacks on Corbyn & work for unity in the party.
-calls for an NEC investigation into Corbyn's suspension— DaWN Labour (@DaWNLabour) November 25, 2020
The avalanche of motions calling for the full reinstatement of Jeremy Corbyn, and declaring no confidence in Keith and Dave, is entirely of the making of the Labour Hard Right.
Democratic socialists don’t respond well to anti-democratic diktats.
Expect plenty more.
— Rachael Swindon (@Rachael_Swindon) November 28, 2020
The mainstream media remained strangely quiet about the crisis – in shocking contrast to its coverage of anything even slightly critical of Jeremy Corbyn when he was party leader:
If CLPs had passed motions of no confidence in a Corbyn-appointed General Secretary in 2019 I imagine that the BBC might have found time to mention in its broadcast news. Has anyone heard anything about what's happening in Labour on BBC TV or radio?
— Dan Hind (@danhind) November 28, 2020
Starmer knows he can shut every constituency Labour party in the country down and the media won't say a word. Whenever Corbyn even hinted at introducing a little much needed democracy the BBC led with it for a fortnight as Stalinism.
— Tweets by Sue (@marthasydenham) November 27, 2020
Ordered not to discuss Starmer’s ill-treatment of Jeremy Corbyn or other party members, local parties changed their tactics and decided to concentrate on ‘no confidence’ votes against the current leader and his general secretary:
CLPs are being told they 'can't talk about Corbyn'. He is now becoming an 'unperson'.
— simon maginn (@simonmaginn) November 26, 2020
Starmer and Evans score own-goal as CLPs switch to no-confidence votes in response to ban on pro-Corbyn motions
— The SKWAWKBOX (@skwawkbox) November 28, 2020
Members did make their feelings clear on Twitter, though:
Starmer’s Labour is a historic failure exceeding anything in the party’s history. To stand on a unity ticket and then preoccupy himself hunting down the Left whilst the UK reels in the face of 10 years of brutal Tory rule and the pandemic disaster is incredible & unforgivable.
— Mr Demos of Pnyx (@gem_ste) November 28, 2020
Remember this? 👇
I was Starmer out before he was elected. My predictions were correct.#StarmerOut— Bevan Boy 💚 (@mac123_m) November 28, 2020
And some local parties pressed on with support for Corbyn, regardless. South Thanet’s contribution was particularly telling because it was proposed by Jewish party members:
"Even a war criminal like Blair didn't attempt to stop internal debate in the party" – South Thanet Labour passes Jewish member's motion for Corbyn's reinstatement via @skwawkbox
— Damien Willey 🟢 🔴 (@KernowDamo) November 28, 2020
— Jackie Walker – HRH, MP, MBE, ABC (@Jackiew80333500) November 28, 2020
We did indeed and this is very accurately reported. Jewish members presented, seconded and supported the motion.
— South Thanet Labour 🌹 (@ThanetLab) November 28, 2020
At this point, Starmer decided to demonstrate once again his astonishing lack of judgement – by spending the UN International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People at a joint meeting of the Jewish Labour Movement and Labour Friends of Israel.
It was a clear endorsement of Israel’s persecution of Palestinians that Starmer – and his deputy leader, Angela Rayner – chose to attend a meeting in support of that country’s government rather than protest against it.
They will be speaking at an event jointly organised by Labour Friends of Israel + the Jewish Labour Movement. I know they will want to talk about @jeremycorbyn but they know the LP General Secretary's injunctions, so I'm sure they will keep shtum. After all, Rules is Rules. 2/2
— David Rosenberg (@davidjrosenberg) November 28, 2020
I'll take a bow 😂
— Chelley Ryan #EnoughIsEnough (@chelleryn99) November 27, 2020
Other party members started researching Starmer’s history. This seems reasonable – his Governance and Legal Unit was merrily looking into everything party members have said online, in search of excuses to suspend them (as we were to see later).
— Campaign for Labour Party Democracy (@CLPD_Labour) November 27, 2020
When he's right, he's right
— Matt Wain (@TheMattWain) November 26, 2020
Starmer’s gagging orders on local parties started to take effect:
But that didn’t stop them from voting against him:
Just this morning there were 26 CLPs calling for Jeremy Corbyn’s full reinstatement.
Tonight I believe it’s 53.
— Rachael Swindon (@Rachael_Swindon) November 27, 2020
Ceredigion Labour votes no confidence in Starmer – and against Evans and treatment of Young Labour Chair – SKWAWKBOX
— Samuel Miller (@Hephaestus7) November 28, 2020
Every Labour CLP in the country should immediately instigate a VONC in both Starmer & Evans, Starmer is a corrupt, duplicitous liar fraud and charlatan, just listen to him lying at the leadership hustings held in Liverpool claiming to be both a socialist and a friend of Corbyn's
— Wonkyclock007 (@Wonkyclock007) November 27, 2020
There were some local parties that voiced support for Starmer. This was also against the diktat handed down by the Labour leader and his secretary but – how odd! – he didn’t seem to want to do anything about it!
Will David Evans take disciplinary action against the officers of CLPs like Holborn & St Pancras, which passed a pro leadership motion this week, praising the whip removal?
Of course he shouldn’t, & it’s as equally stupid as what is happening now. But if you want consistency…
— Aaron Bastani (@AaronBastani) November 27, 2020
I’m going to end this part of my round-up (there’s a lot of material out there) with the following appraisal of Keir Starmer, because everything above tends to indicate that it is spot-on accurate:
Watch all of this video and tell me @Keir_Starmer is remotely trustworthy.
— Aaron Bastani (@AaronBastani) November 27, 2020
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Why hasn’t Starmer been given the boot yet? He is a totally untrustworthy snake that has brought shame and disgrace to the Labour Party.
The problem is the PLP. Labour MPs have been mostly right wing for decades and they’re the only ones with power to remove him.