Energy firms: Miliband sells Labour’s soul so asset-strippers profit from privatisation

Power and pollution: Ed Miliband wants government to take over failing energy firms, restore them to health at huge cost to the public purse, and then sell them back so the 1% can rip us all off again. Why should we, when they have done so little (for example) to tackle climate change?
Read Natalie’s response to Ed Miliband’s industrial-disaster interview with Andrew Marr, then watch the clip. Then read her response again.
She’s right, isn’t she?
Miliband was saying that Labour would take struggling private energy companies back into public ownership – that’s nationalisation, for those of you who are too young to remember when we had industries owned by the government. That’s fine.
He was saying Labour would then use public money – your money – to restore those concerns and improve them. That’s fine too.
And then he ruined it by saying Labour would then re-privatise them so profit-grubbing shareholders could once again suck out all the cash they could while failing to invest in the system or the service, knowing they can always rely on the government to bail them out in the future.
That is no way to run a country.
Energy privatisation has failed.
The owners of the privatised companies – one-third of whom are foreign governments – are charging us the Earth (literally, when you consider the climate change implications) for very little, and when they get into trouble they are handing the mess back to us to sort out.
That is not good business and there is no way any self-respecting government – of any colour – would accept it.
There’s certainly no reason any voter should put up with it.
Miliband has hammered another nail into the coffin of StarmerLabour’s election hopes.
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Only the Glasmanites/Blue Labour /Blairite neoliberals will go for that.
The sooner that this misnamed club of misanthrope turns to dust the better.
Ed Miliband is now lying for Starmer, pretending that neither understands what nationalisation is. The Nationalised industries were deliberately broken up and split in seperate parts as planned by Nicholas Ridley (Thatcherite Tory Minister) in his Tory so called 1977 research paper, which made it easier to privatise and marketise.
Ed is just another useless Labour charlatan of the right, that is more concerned about furthering his own career than he is defending the public interest.