Latest Labour attack advert lowers the party below gutter-level

Last Updated: April 7, 2023By Tags: , , , , , , , , ,

Keir Starmer: yet another own goal to add to his impressive collection.

How can we best sum up the political mood this morning? Like this, perhaps:

James was responding to a new attack advert from the Labour Party. It looks like this:

Twitter provided “added context” from responses by readers, as follows: “Tweet implies that the PM, Rishi Sunak, doesn’t support prison sentences for sexual assaults against children. The current sentencing guidelines for this crime has a maximum sentence of 14 years imprisonment.… There is no conservative party policy that plans to remove this.

And economist Richard Murphy added the following in an outraged blog article: “Politicians do not sentence criminals, as Keir Starmer should know.

“They do not even bring cases to court, as Keir Starmer should know.

“And the provisions for sending abusers to prison for up to 14 years do exist, and have for a long time, as Keir Starmer should know. If they are not used we have to assume judges do not use them for good reason. As Keir Starmer should know.”

Skwawkbox went further:

Exploiting abused children to posture as the ‘party of law and order’ is not only disgusting, but also hypocritical: Keir Starmer was Director of Public Prosecutions when his department decided not to prosecute notorious serial rapist and abuser Jimmy Savile – and Starmer even went on to say that he thought this had been the right decision (Jimmy Savile: DPP to review 2009 police evidence | Jimmy Savile | The Guardian (

One of Starmer’s chief advisers, Peter Mandelson, was also close to child sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein and has been pictured socialising with him.

The post was also at least arguably racist, feeding into stereotypes pushed by right-wing extremists such as the so-called ‘Tommy Robinson’ of ‘Asian grooming gangs’ – a stereotype thoroughly disproven this week when 21 white British paedophiles were convicted at Wolverhampton Crown Court – by showing a brown-skinned man next to a claim he doesn’t care about protecting children from sexual assault.

Labour politicians are already being hard-pressed on the issue in media interviews – and their answers are somewhat lacking:

Former Labour MP Chris Williamson tweeted: “Under Sir Keir Starmer’s leadership, Labour is now giving lessons on how to swim in the gutter.”

Solma Ahmed tweeted: “I’ve seen many things in politics but this is just beyond belief. Who’s taken over Labour? The nasty party is back.”

Yes, but this time it is not the Conservatives – it’s Labour.

And only weeks ahead of an election, too.

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  1. Lynn Jenks April 7, 2023 at 10:13 am - Reply

    Starmer is making the Labour Party unelectable. Is he actually a tory mole?

  2. Wanda Lozinska April 7, 2023 at 1:40 pm - Reply

    Apparently, Starmer, as DPP, sat on the Sentencing Council that determined what sentences child abusers should get.

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