Two months into the conflict with Gaza (NOT Hamas), Israel’s stories are falling apart

Last Updated: December 8, 2023By Tags: , , ,

The following sets the tone for this article:

We can’t trust what the Israeli authorities say about their war in Gaza because their accusations don’t make sense and aren’t backed with any credible evidence.

Sadly, they’re supported by liars in the UK government. Here’s Chris Philp saying the government won’t pass evidence of war crimes to the relevant authorities:

The International Criminal Court is investigating the possibility that both Hamas and Israel have committed war crimes. If the UK doesn’t pass on information about such matters, is it not perverting the course of justice?

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Now, how’s this for deception?

Israel has also been accused of turning Palestinian civilians’ survival into a game – sending images of a numbered grid superimposed on a map of Gaza and telling civilians to move to particular numbered areas to avoid being bombed or involved in conflict.

There’s just one problem: Israel has bombed the places where it sent people.

Challenged over where Palestinians should go to be safe, former Israeli diplomat and politician Michael Oren said the problem was that Hamas personnel were going to the designated safe zones as well.

Isn’t the problem actually that Israel could not be trusted to keep its word?

Note also that this means Israeli claims that it is not targeting civilians are false.

One former prime minister of that country has laid the blame at the feet of his own government:


Sadly, the spokesman for Israel’s most powerful ally, the United States, seems happy to let the slaughter continue:

He absolutely refuses to condemn the actions of Israel’s armed forces, and instead condemns Hamas for mingling with civilians. And he refuses to condemn Israel for targeting people in places that are intended not to be combat zones.

No wonder frustration is growing against the silence of Israel’s allies:

Meanwhile, more Israeli lies are being debunked. Here’s a former Gaza hostage:

So the hostages were attacked – by Israel – while they were in captivity and while Israel was claiming to be trying to get them back. Hannibal Doctrine, anybody?

Ah, but according to the United States, Israel does not intentionally kill Palestinians, so we must conclude that the spokesman believes it won’t intentionally kill its own citizens either. Right?

At ground level, this is what Israel’s armed forces are getting up to:

Another Israeli claim is that Hamas had no grievance with Israel prior to October 7 – that the attack on that date came out of the blue and had no provocation.

Here’s a report debunking that:

While this was being made clear, an Israeli reporter was merrily writing messages on tank shells intended for Gaza – and ordering a tank team to fire them, in the knowledge that they could kill civilians:

So much for the “Israel does not attack civilians” claim.

Economically, it seems the conflict is harming Israel:

But that hasn’t stopped Israel continuing to carry out ever-more-appalling acts. For example:

Here’s a news report about this:

If one of the detainees who was stripped and carted off was a journalist for a London-based Arab newspaper, then he can’t be a terrorist. Right?

Here’s the report:

Israel says all deaths are the responsibility of Hamas – but it seems clear that Israel could have prevented any deaths at all, from October 7 onwards.

And Israel says it is not targeting civilians – but if more civilians have been dying in this conflict than in any other, then at the very least, it seems this is unlikely to be true.

So Israel’s fairy tales about Hamas, and about its own behaviour, are falling apart. Why are the UK’s politicians still refusing to condemn this terror nation?

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  1. Hecuba December 9, 2023 at 11:47 am - Reply

    The current fascist/zionist regime continues to commit mass murder and genocide against the Palestinians and one important reason why the US and UK men in political power refuse to condemn them is because of oil and gas!

    UK’s fascist fake government doesn’t care that the Israeli zionist/fascist regime under that mass murderer Netanyahu are murdering Palestinians. Given the fascist tory fake government continues to violate international and national laws why would these male criminals pass on evidence of Israeli war crimes to the International War Crimes Court.

    One important reason why UK and US are openly condoning and collaborating with the fascist/terrorist israeli regime is because of gas and oil deposits in the west coast of Gaza. Terrorist Israeli regime has already awarded licences to that greedy climate destroying male owned company BP as well as other greedy companies. Mens’ obsession with amassing huge profits as well as political power and land always supercede stopping male instigated mass genocides!

  2. Dave Putson December 9, 2023 at 12:51 pm - Reply

    You mention Chris Philps MP, isnt he the MP who live on the BBC was called a liar 17 times by Mick Lynch (RMT). My first experience of MR Philps was listening to him talk before a GE, he spoke so fast that I thought he was unsure of what he was saying…nothings changed…I AGREE WITH MICK LYNCH !!

  3. Keith Roberts December 10, 2023 at 10:02 am - Reply

    Little has been said about multiple security lapses since 7th October, when it became quite clear to me that the whole war on Hamas thing was an excuse to start a major ethnic cleansing/genocide which Netanyahu has been promising for some time. I am embarrassed (that’s an understatement) that our government continues to support the ‘American’ line that Israel is one of the good guys however brutal, sadistic and criminal its actions. We need to recognise that Israel had already stolen a substantial proportion of Palestinian land and killed or removed very many Palestinians. There can be little doubt that this was another planned phase of the ethnic cleansing/genocide which, apparently necessitated the total destruction of Palestinian society.

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