If British organisations worked with the Israeli embassy to achieve that country’s aims and not our own, what should we call it?

Jeremy Newmark and Ella Rose of the Jewish Labour Movement, with Israeli ambassador Mark Regev: No connection?
I’d call it conspiracy.
No – not an ‘International Jewish Conspiracy’, because the implication behind that anti-Semitic stereotype has always been that all – or at least many – Jews are involved and know about it.
Talk to (for example) David Schneider on Twitter for a while if you need to be divested of that illusion.
But certainly a conspiracy involving Israeli government representatives and members of pro-Israel organisations in the UK. Consider the following, from an article in The Electronic Intifada:
The Jewish Labour Movement acted as a proxy for the Israeli embassy, a document obtained by The Electronic Intifada reveals.
“We work with Shai, we know him very well,” the group’s director Ella Rose admitted to an undercover reporter in 2016, a transcript of the conversation shows.
Ms Rose was referring to Shai Masot, the former Israeli embassy staffer who returned to his country in disgrace after trying to enlist the help of a Conservative government office worker to have pro-Palestine minister Alan Duncan removed from the foreign office.
I called that a conspiracy – and have been accused of anti-Semitism for it, especially after I questioned the activities of organisations such as… oh, yes, the Jewish Labour Movement!
In a statement broadcast in the film, the Jewish Labour Movement claimed to Al Jazeera that it “denies that it has worked closely with Shai Masot.”
The September 2016 transcript… shows that Rose’s relationship with Masot and the Israeli embassy continued after she was hired by the Jewish Labour Movement in July of that year.
Looks like someone was lying. I wonder who it was and why they would do that?
The transcript reveals that the Jewish Labour Movement brought an Israeli delegation to the 2016 Labour Party conference on behalf of the embassy.
The delegation was presented as a group of young, left-wing Israeli activists.
But the day after the conference closed, a report in the Israeli newspaper Haaretz alleged that Israeli agents had been “operating British Jewish organizations” in a way that could “put them in violation of British law.”
While the Haaretz report – which cites a cable from the Israeli embassy in London – does not name any of the groups, the transcript of the conversation between Rose and the undercover Al Jazeera reporter suggests that the Jewish Labour Movement may have been one of these organizations.
Conspiracy? No? What, then?
Despite denials, Masot appears to have been an agent for the Ministry of Strategic Affairs – a semi-clandestine organization that leads Israeli “black ops” against the boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) movement.
Its minister is Gilad Erdan, a close ally of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
The ministry’s director-general is a former senior military intelligence officer, most of its employees – whose names are classified – are drawn from the ranks of Israel’s various spy agencies and it has a budget of tens of millions of dollars.
But as revealed in the Haaretz report, the Israeli foreign ministry got wind of how Erdan’s strategic affairs ministry was allegedly “operating” groups in the UK in violation of British law and was unhappy that what it perceived as its turf was being intruded upon.
The article goes on to name other organisations believed to have been used to promote the interests of Israel:
All the evidence points to Masot attempting to use the Jewish Labour Movement, Labour Friends of Israel and perhaps other groups to influence decision makers in the Labour Party for the benefit of Israel.
This is a familiar situation. I described it myself, on This Site, in January 2017:
It’s like a game of aggressive-Zionist join-the-dots now; Shai Masot leads to Labour Friends of Israel, and from there on to the Jewish Labour Movement and who knows where.
I continued:
It is time to root out every last one of these operators.
Anybody who has been involved in the anti-Semitism witch-hunt within the Labour Party … needs to be pulled in and checked out.
And I was right, wasn’t I?
But I was smeared as an anti-Semite for it.
It seems to me that – considering the latest evidence – quite a few people owe me a quite enormous apology. Don’t you agree?
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saw the video the other day, interesting to note Shai saying that there were problems filling Labour with supporters of the Israeli government, but they had no such problems with the tories.
Lets face it they run the Tory Party and have a finger in most of the business and the commands from Isreal or the US which is run by them
Let’s see your evidence for these assertions, please.
Yes – most decidedly so.
Just in case you missed it, another EI article states:
“Ella Rose worked at the [Israeli] embassy as public affairs officer between September 2015 and August 2016, when she joined JLM as its first director.”
(here she is in Jan 2015 meeting with David Cameron as part of a delegation from the Jewish Leadership Council, presumably because she was chair of UJS, along with Sir Mick Davis, CEO of the Conservative Party https://www.thejlc.org/jewish_community_leaders_meet_with_prime_minister_david_cameron2 )
It’s worth noting that they’ve only been known as the ‘Jewish Labour Movement’ since 2004, previously being ‘Paole Zion’, therefore Zionist by definition. It’s hard to make sense of their status within the Labour Party. They are directly affiliated and are therefore able submit nominations for leadership (Yvette Cooper in 2015 if you’re wondering). Almost all the other affiliate members, aside from ‘Labour Party Irish Society’ are Unions and therefore domestic rather than, directly or indirectly, representing the interests of another country. Funny old game!
Suggesting that Jewish citizens of this country have stronger loyalty to Israel is apparently another anti-Semitic stereotype.
As with most of them, though, they run into a very obvious logical issue. It can’t be an anti-Semitic stereotype if it is accurately applied to particular people.
It’s depressing that this has been covered in detail quite a while ago (as with Channel 4’s Dispatches special https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0E70BwA7xgU ) and the links of the ‘Friends Of Israel ‘ lobby group to all the main parties and how they’ve impressively been able to fund MP’s and groups without somehow this being a problem…The Dispatches show (from 2011) investigated it thoroughly and of course the recent undercover investigation ‘The Lobby’ by Al Jazeera led to Shai being kicked out but everyone seems silent on this, even with the current Labour Friends Of Israel supporters being a who’s who of MP’s who’ve spent the last few years undermining Jeremy Corbyn (with a few exceptions) http://www.lfi.org.uk/in-parliament/ but still silence…I don’t see this as particularly a problem with Israel, more a problem with Lobbyists and their connections to all political parties (be they vested interests, multi-national companies, housing companies or arms dealers)…If MP’s and Councillors take money from lobbyists then I’m afraid there will always be a cloud of suspicion hanging over their actions…We need, as a party, to rid ourselves of vested interests and become a party that represents everyone again…