The Flour Massacre: Israel murders hundreds, wounds 1,000 civilians in war crime during aid delivery

Israel’s military has murdered at least 150 hungry people and wounded 1,000 others, targeting thousands of starving people at Al Rasheed Street in northern Gaza while they were waiting for humanitarian aid.

Here’s what happened according to Al-Jazeera – in two accounts:

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Here’s a far more personal message about what happened:

And here’s footage of the actual event, along with information from Gaza’s Ministry of Health:

Another person account:

This is a war crime.

There is no other way to describe it. Israel didn’t even try to hide its intention, which was to murder Palestinian civilians, and send a message to those who weren’t murdered – that they will not be allowed to take humanitarian food aid; they’ll be shot if they try.

But the alternative is starvation.

It’s like a sick game of Russian roulette.

Whoever thought of this must be as twisted as whoever decided to hold a children’s party at a border crossing to stop aid convoys entering Gaza.

Whatever the nature of the minds behind it, there can only be one conclusion:

Israel is now admitting it is committing genocide. It is, as the lady in the GaZa Voice video described it: a holocaust.

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One Comment

  1. Stu March 1, 2024 at 2:58 am - Reply

    You ask about “Whoever thought of this?”… I suggest the Pro-Zionist Winston Churchill was perhaps the originator –
    Women and Children dying in “Concentration Camps” from starvation and disease during the Boer War inspired the Nazis and perhaps look to Bangladesh for the inspiration of Genocide by starvation.
    To this day most Afrikkaners still resent ALL British because of this, it would be difficult for Palestinians to be any more forgiving of the Israelis given their plight.

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