It should be easy to make the rich cough up more tax in a digital-money economy. Just tell the banks to deduct it.

Tories love tax havens but they’re a threat to the UK

This is revealing: Tories love tax havens but they’re a threat to the UK.

Here’s a video by that terrific economist Richard Murphy, explaining how tax havens that put the King on their stamps to show loyalty to the UK are in fact undermining our democracy by denying the government the money it needs.

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They’re also undermining law and order by giving criminals a way of laundering money.

He says we should put the accounts of those using tax havens on public record to discourage criminality, but it seems to This Writer that the Tories would never do this. Why not?

Too many of them use tax havens themselves.

David Cameron, the Foreign Secretary, is believed to have benefited from the profits of his father’s company, that was based in tax havens.

Jacob Rees-Mogg has benefited from tax havens, as have Andrea Leadsom’s husband and brother-in-law.

And Tory donors have squirrelled away trillions of pounds in tax havens.

It’s another reason to bin the Tories – en masse – at the general election.

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