Here's what you think of Keir Starmer's new Labour cabinet

Here’s what you think of Keir Starmer’s new Labour Cabinet

Vox Political asked – and now here’s who you think of Keir Starmer’s new Labour Cabinet.

The following are comments from various Facebook groups where This Writer posted the link to an article introducing the new Cabinet and its members.

“TP” on Independent Media UK says: “We don’t have a government any more. We have an administration.” Not an auspicious start!

“PW” on the same group says: “NHS is not going to get much from this with Streeting in charge… Lammy as foreign secretary is laughable.”

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“SM”, also on that group, says: “I’ve been exposing Starmer for years…. He took part in the attempted coup in 2016 against Jeremy Corbyn, he openly supported Owen Smith’s leadership challenge soon after, he sabotaged the 2019 GE and then hijacked the Labour party while hiding his donors (the same donors who funded Owen Smith to try to destroy Corbyn in 2016 as well as the Israel lobby and hedge fund managers and private equity firm execs with huge shares in private healthcare, energy, transport, housing etc. oh and his corrupt barrister mates).

“He broke every pledge he made to get elected as leader within a year. In 2021 he managed to change future leadership elections in the party to coincidently require more MP votes than the SCG (Socialist Campaign Group) had before Starmer started getting rid of them to get on the ballot.
“The “electoral system” looks like it pressed fill during the 2017 election so Corbyn got millions of votes but they were all in fewer constituencies (even though there were huge crowds gathering wherever Corbyn went, all across the country)… Where as with the bought Labour party under the Trilateral Commission puppet, Keir Starmer, they pressed auto-fill so they got just enough votes in hundreds of constituencies just to get them over the line.
“Plus, Scotland would have never voted for Labour, ever, they’re a raging unionist party and Scotland has been trying to get independence for decades. I’m surprised they’re not revolting right now. It’s the heist of the century, everyone should be seething. Our country is a joke, our electoral system is a joke. We’re ruled by criminals who work for even bigger criminals who want to siphon the wealth out of the country and into offshore bank accounts while we struggle to get by just for the privilege of making them more money.
“I remember when there were no millionaires, our high-streets were bustling with small, local family-run businesses, we made our own money and we all got along, no matter the race, sex, religion etc.. these politicians, the lobbyists and the mainstream media have torn this country apart and profited from it. Every ounce of struggle and suffering in this country is so that millionaires can become multi-millionaires and multi-millionaires can become billionaires, while bribing the government to let them. And we’re just expected to be exploited and extorted along the way.
“And Starmer and his goons aren’t going to change any of that. The radical change this country needs is mind-blowing, a complete re-distribution of wealth after going after tax havens, and all we’ve got is a bunch of lobbyist shills promising change and peddling lies. And that’s just going to result in more anger. It’s just whether that anger emboldens the left to strike, protest or even revolt, or worst-case scenario, gives rise to the far-right.
“So of course my instant reaction to Keir Starmer hijacking the country like he hijacked the Labour party was to say to him that if he is not going to try to clamp down on the mainstream media lying and creating hate and division, on lobbyists owning our politicians against us, or making our electoral system fairer, then there was really no point in him getting into government at all, that he is indeed an establishment tool that his daddy made.”
Let’s have some balance. Over on Vox Political‘s page, “AD” says: “I’m impressed and the picks make sense. Obviously time will tell and it will take a while to fix the mess the Conservatives have made, but Starmer is a no nonsense Prime Minister who is now getting on with the job. Hurray for sensible grown ups being back in power!”
On Britain is the People, “MB” says… oh dear: “I would not give any of them houseroom as they are only in it for what they can get for themselves.”
Let’s try the Friends of Vox Political page? Here’s “AB”: “These are all yes people who have shown their lack of integrity over and over again.”
And here’s “JM”: “Lisa Nandy culture secretary, there is more culture in a piece of pig’s excrement. Health secretary Wes Streeting, already had donations off an American health insurance company, another total piece of pig’s excrement.”
So there you have it. Not entirely negative… but there don’t seem to be many people with anything good to say about Keir Starmer and his choices.
It’s a high bar against which to measure their achievements. Will they surprise us all?

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