London council has cancelled Reginald D Hunter's show

What REALLY happened at Reginald D Hunter’s Edinburgh Fringe show?

What really happened at Reginald D Hunter’s Edinburgh Fringe show? Some of the news media have made it seem he’s been staging anti-Semitic orgies there – but the facts seem a little more prosaic.

According to some, like Daily Heil writer Sabrina Miller, Reggie told an anti-Semitic joke that upset two innocent Jewish members of the audience, who she anonymised as “Shimon” and “Talia”. This couple were then allegedly hounded out of the auditorium by other audience members.

But is that really what happened?

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It seems that in the joke that caused the offence, Reggie compared an abusive wife – who then complains about being abused herself – with being “married to Israel”.

That is not an anti-Semitic comment. The Israeli government is considered by many to have abused (for example) the people of Palestine for all of the 75 years since the United Nations brought that state into existence and some say that its demand that its genocide against Gaza is justified, after the October 7 attack last year, is simply the pot calling the kettle black.

There are myriad cases of Israel – either as a nation or in the form of individuals or groups of Israelis – abusing others. This Writer saw video of settlers robbing sheep from Palestinians only yesterday. Yet it takes only the merest slight against that country or its representatives for them to demand that they are the victims (and also, most commonly, that their opponents are anti-Semites).

So Reggie’s joke is fair comment. Whether it was funny I will leave to your own sense of taste.

The audience members may therefore be called into question for taking such strong verbal offence to the jibe. If they were Israelis, as was alleged in the media, this may be pleaded in mitigation against them.

But it turns out they were UK lawyer Mark Lewis, who commonly represents people like Rachel Riley in libel cases, and his partner Mandy Blumenthal. He is definitely a Brit; I’m not sure about her. They both claimed to be leaving the UK for good (to live in Israel?) back in 2018, but seem not to have managed it if they were both attending an Edinburgh Fringe gig earlier this month.

This pair are said to be – in their own words – “unapologetic activists” with a history of agitation and confrontation. So now we need to ask whether they were at this show intentionally, in order to stir up hatred against Reggie.

It wasn’t the first performance, so it is perfectly possible that someone could have tipped them off that this was an opportunity to play the victim and subject another innocent man to the anti-Semitism witch-hunt.

Note also that Sabrina Miller is also an anti-Semitism witch-hunter, who was behind the campaign to get David Miller sacked from his lecturing job at Bristol University.

Oh, and rather than being abused by audience members, it seems Ms Blumenthal shot some hideous comments at them.

Here’s some evidence.

On the identity of the “victims”:

On their behaviour, that of the audience and that of Reggie himself:

And on Sabrina Miller:

Reggie published his own thread on the subject:

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One Comment

  1. Tony August 21, 2024 at 11:27 am - Reply

    Many thanks.

    Important to verify claims rather than to blindly accept them.

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