Here's how Keir Starmer handed ROSIE DUFFIELD the moral high ground

Here’s how Keir Starmer handed ROSIE DUFFIELD the moral high ground

Looking at her record, some might have said it was impossible – but here’s how Keir Starmer handed Rosie Duffield the moral high ground.

Shall we remind ourselves of her past behaviour? How the Labour MP for Canterbury marched in the ‘lynch’ mob with Ruth Smeeth and others to have Marc Wadsworth ejected from the Labour Party in the kangaroo court that was his hearing before the party’s National Constitutional Committee?

How she campaigned for Chris Williamson to get the same treatment from his kangaroo court (NCC) hearing?

How she was caught breaking lockdown – possibly more scandalously than Dominic Cummings – in travelling to commit adultery with her married lover? And had to resign as a Labour whip because of it?

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How she claimed to be a victim of misogynistic abuse over her opinions about anti-Semitism, Brexit, and – particularly – transphobia? And Labour launched an investigation into her after she was found to have liked what was considered to be a transphobic tweet?

How she also claimed she could not attend Labour’s conference (in 2021) because of threats to her safety that seemed entirely imaginary?

This Writer won’t be going into whether her opinions actually were transphobic; it’s not a subject on which I’m an expert. Her behaviour when challenged on the subject is what I find questionable.

And despite all of the above, Keir Starmer has managed to make Duffield the lesser of two evils, in comparison with his own activities.

Duffield has resigned from the Labour Party, saying Keir Starmer’s top team is more about “greed and power” than the change that was his election slogan, and that party voters were being “exploited” and “taken for granted”.

In an interview with the BBC’s Laura Kuennsberg, she said – well, let’s let the BBC report describe it:

“It is so profoundly disappointing to me as a Labour voter and an activist… to see this is what we have become,” she added.

She said after days of revelations about donations and the leadership’s refusal to apologise, that the leadership seemed “more about greed and power than making a difference… I just can’t take any more”.

“We all had our faith in Keir Starmer and a Labour government, and I feel that voters and activists and MPs are being completely laughed at and completely taken for granted.”

In her [resignation] letter she said the “revelations” since the change of government in July had been “staggering and increasingly outrageous”.

“I cannot put into words how angry I and my colleagues are at your total lack of understanding about how you have made us all appear.”

“The sleaze, nepotism and apparent avarice are off the scale. I am so ashamed of what you and your inner circle have done to tarnish and humiliate our once proud party.”

She added: “Someone with far-above-average wealth choosing to keep the Conservatives’ two-child limit to benefit payments which entrenches children in poverty, while inexplicably accepting expensive personal gifts of designer suits and glasses costing more than most of those people can grasp – this is entirely undeserving of holding the title of Labour prime minister.”

Duffield also criticised the prime minister for promoting people with “no proven political skills” and said he had been “elevated immediately to a shadow cabinet position without following the usual path of honing your political skills on the backbenches”.

And she makes strong points.

Knowing Duffield, the best that can be said is that she has made herself seem the lesser of the two evils we’re seeing here – Starmer and his cronies being the other.

But people have short memories and are likely to take the side of the apparent underdog who’s saying she just had to quit her party on moral grounds.

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