Water polluter has avoided privatisation with a £3 billion rescue loan - but not a single penny will help improve the service

Ofwat’s betrayal of the public is complete

After giving the privatised water companies the bill increase that they wanted – and more – now Ofwat’s betrayal of the public is complete.

These are companies that have ripped us off to the tune of billions of pounds during the 30+ years since they were privatised, putting the money – not into upgrading the Victorian water pipe and sewage system, as they were expected to, but directly into shareholders’ pockets.

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Now, after giving them an £86 bill increase next year, leading to £155 over five years (£11 more than they wanted), it turns out that since 2021 they have been fined just £2 for breaking rules, despite pumping record amounts of sewage into our waterways.

Thames Water was fined £1 in 2021 after Ofwat found the firm was responsible for data errors that led to some customers being charged incorrectly.

In 2024, Welsh Water was fined £1 after it was found to misreport its data on leakages over several years.

Earlier this year, Ofwat announced plans to fine three companies – Thames Water, Yorkshire Water and Northumbrian Water – a collective £168m for failing to maintain their networks, but is yet to collect any money from these firms or confirm what the final penalty will be.

The good news is that the firms have apparently agreed multi-million-pound compensation and investment packages for customers and their networks.

But the price increases on our bills mean the more-or-less £10 rebate customers would have received will be totally swallowed (unlike their product) anyway.

And does anybody really believe any investment will go into the water and sewage network?

Ofwat is a busted flush and the water companies are untrustworthy. It’s a shame Labour hasn’t got the guts to nationalise them.

Source: Water companies fined just £2 for rule breaking despite record sewage

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  1. Jeffrey Davies December 28, 2024 at 12:08 am - Reply

    poo poo we been stitched up thatchers voice it would be good for us hmm never if one can remember we had reservoirs around the country loads of staff untill privatisation all went sacked layed of and us being robbed nothing it shows that thatchers busted flush of words only meant that all amenities screwed us terribly

  2. Clive December 30, 2024 at 8:43 pm - Reply

    Glad i left in 92. I live in a country where energy, water, lithium are nationalised. Where you can go to uni for free, Where childcare is free. Where prescriptions are free. An actual socialist country, which is raising minimum wage by 12% this year after 13% last year. Unlike the UK which has sold everything possible and is a plutocracy.

    • Mike Sivier January 8, 2025 at 1:27 pm - Reply

      Where are you?

      • Clive January 14, 2025 at 11:16 pm - Reply

        Mexico. The president has an 80% approval rating…

        • Mike Sivier January 15, 2025 at 1:18 pm - Reply

          And which has been sending aid to California to combat the wildfires. Fair play.

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