Sunak sunk himself in voter opinions in a Question Time special

Sunak sunk himself in voter opinions in a Question Time special

The UK’s prime minister doesn’t need any help to alienate the electorate; Rishi Sunak sunk himself in voter opinions in a Question Time special.

He failed to convince on the Tory betting scandal, which has seen several MPs accused of betting on the date of the general election before it was announced. Sunak said any party members who were found guilty would be “booted out” but few audience members seemed to believe him.

He then displayed the tetchiness of which he was accused before the election was announced, when questioned on his hairbrained National Service plan. Questioned on its practicality and morality, he was dismissive. And he suggested punishments for non-participants including driving licence penalties or removing access to finance, lecturing audience members that such draconian responses were “the right thing to do”.

The right-wing – fascist – thing to do, maybe.

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His attitude to Brexit – and particularly his plan to remove protections for our human rights by taking the UK out of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR), was received with derision. This was particularly clear when he called the ECHR – which this country helped found – a “foreign court”.

People don’t like it when politicians lie to them.

So it should be no surprise that the audience was reluctant to applaud the man who none of them voted into 10 Downing Street. BBC audiences are usually chosen to represent the full demographic of UK voters so, if he wasn’t even getting a hand from dedicated Tories, Sunak was in real trouble.

And, by extension, so is his party.

Subsequent media reports were harsh, with Politico describing Sunak as a “broken man”.

It would be more accurate to describe the Conservatives as a broken party.

But let’s remember that the Tories were broken – and intellectually bankrupt – back in 2019. That election should serve as a lesson to us all, not to pay attention to media influencers who always have an agenda – most commonly to mislead the electorate into voting against their best interests.

It gave us three years of Boris Johnson’s incompetence – that caused more than 200,000 unnecessary deaths during the Covid crisis – and corruption, with enormous contracts for protective equipment awarded to friends of Tory ministers who had no idea how to honour their commissions and no intention of doing so; they just kept the money. Oh, and let’s not forget Partygate?

After that, we had the 45 days of Liz Truss, that trashed the UK’s economy.

And then, nearly two years of Rishi Sunak’s corruption. Or were contracts awarded in ways that benefited his family members’ business because it was really the best choice? Infosys is a firm that partnered Fujitsu, the company that ruined the careers of hundreds of Post Office sub-postmasters with software that was – deliberately? – insecure.

No wonder we all want a change.

What a shame the BBC failed to offer up alternatives that are any better.

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