EU Commission head broadens attack on Cameron
![Kiss My A--ttitude: Angela Merkel's probable response to any attempt at renegotiating the UK's role in the EU, according to Vox Political's new favourite artist, Kaya Mar [Image:].](
Kiss My A–ttitude: Angela Merkel’s probable response to any attempt at renegotiating the UK’s role in the EU, according to Vox Political’s new favourite artist, Kaya Mar [Image:].
Mr Juncker said he was “not frightened” of national leaders and would not accept “unfair or unjust” criticism.
His comments came after Cameron – one of two EU leaders to oppose his choice for the EU’s top role earlier this year – refused to pay a £1.7bn top-up payment to EU funds by the December 1 deadline.
Mr Juncker had already criticised Mr Cameron and his Italian counterpart, Matteo Renzi, for their behaviour after last month’s European Council meeting, suggesting they had said one thing about the budget during the leaders’ gathering and another to the media afterwards.
“I’m happy that the commission be fairly criticised, but I don’t accept unfair or unjust criticism,” he told journalists in Brussels. “I don’t have a problem with David Cameron, he has a problem with the other prime ministers.”
Mr Juncker said the way that the UK had portrayed the row over its additional contribution to the EU’s annual budget was “not correct” [and we all agree with that, don’t we?]
At home, Cameron clashed with Ed Miliband in the Commons over his aim of renegotiating the UK’s membership of the European Union and holding a referendum on whether to remain a member in 2017.
The Labour leader said the planned renegotiation was “going nowhere” in the face of German opposition [see the image above] and Mr Cameron “dare not say” whether he would be prepared to campaign for the UK to leave the EU if he did not get what he wanted.
In response, Cameron said he wanted the UK to stay in a “reformed EU” and accused Labour of running scared of giving the electorate the final say over Britain’s future in Europe.
“What we have is a set of things we want to sort out in Europe – we want to sort out safeguards for the single market, get out of ever-closer union and we want reform of immigration.
“But here is the difference – we have a plan. He (Ed Miliband) has no plan.”
It seems more likely that Mr Miliband and the Labour Party want the British electorate to have a chance to base any decision on dispassionate understanding of the facts, rather than being forced into a snap decision based on the emotive, one-sided right-wing dogma currently being preached in the press.
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It sounds to me that Camoron would like to run the EU himself – what a disaster that would be!!!
Delusions of grandeur now eh? they used to lock people up for that and throw away the
Junker won’t accept any criticism of the eussr no matter how just or fair it is so it’s no surprise when he claims he won’t accept any criticism. We all know cameron this that if he looks tough on the eussr people will believe that he isn’t actually asking how high when told to jump.
Juncker won’t accept your fascist term for the EU (or your spelling of his name) either, I suspect. Also you should have read back what you wrote. He won’t accept any criticism so it’s no surprise that he claims he won’t? You appear to be going around in circles with no substance to support your argument. As for Cameron thinking (I believe you meant to write) that people will believe he’s being tough on Europe, we’ll just have to see how high he does jump on December 1.
Cameron’s problems with the other EU leaders? Of course, it must be that cultural thing, where all the Eton mess/ Bullingdons, ‘naturally’ suited and prepared from birth to lead our nation, come into contact with people who are politically astute and powerful because they have been mandated by their own electorates. Jolly not on, not having that deference ‘one is entitled to’. Double jolly not on having these people – European plebs! – make Osborne & Cams look like duplicitous lightweights.